Moscow’s 5 Red Square (Micro Fiction)


What Pegman Saw is a weekly 150 word fiction prompt using a location from Google Maps: here is the home page and this week’s Moscow Prompt is here.


For my fictional piece – I am visiting my Polish uncle in Moscow. Words: 150



Sitting at the stoplight, the car lightly putters.

Revving the engine, the clutch sits loosely in my hand.


Releasing a contented smile, I notice the delicate curves in the Moscow building to my right.

That’s a lot of red….


And this is a long light.


Waiting is easy. I’m taking an afternoon drive in my uncle’s ‘93 Porsche 968.

He lets me drive it whenever I’m in town.

It’s not worth much, but I like it better than his new red one.

Putters a bit, but 17-inch wheels are smooth on cobblestone and they take curves with finesse.


Cranking down the window, I look closer at 5 Red Square.

               Hey, is this where Russian hackers were caught?

               Let me see if I still have that text about it….

“Two college guys – with way too much time on their hands – were caught red-handed.”

Sure is a long red light….


Just for fun: I made this text image (because I was working on Friday Fictioneers text message theme at the time…)






Thanks to Debra Books (here) for introducing me to What Pegman Saw.







10 thoughts on “Moscow’s 5 Red Square (Micro Fiction)

  1. Dear Prior,

    I love the addition of the text message. I just hope he only texts at the red light and not while he’s driving. Hard enough to do in an automatic.



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