Against the Odds: Beach Grass photo (and moon calendar)

The weekly photo challenge this week (here) was kind of tricky with against the odds –  here is my take:

 August 2016
Virginia, USA – August 2016



And just FYI – here’s the Farmer’s Almanac Full Moon Calendar for 2017:moons I guess I have always liked comics –  here are two from the 1990s that I found in a scrapbook last week (linked to D’s just for fun #25).











25 thoughts on “Against the Odds: Beach Grass photo (and moon calendar)

  1. I love the white and black photos, and I should add that I was born on Septemer so that makes me….hold on got to get up, full corn moon, so you can’t get better than that

    Liked by 2 people

    1. thanks so much, Dan. And I actually took the photos because our houseguest last summer was writing about the beach and needed a bucket, a path, and beach grass. She never used my pics…. but they stayed in the archives…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s a lovely shot through the grasses. 🙂 I can just imagine you with the scrapbook! I just looked over my shoulder and a glorious dazzle of sunrise has appeared. There’s always joy somewhere, Yvette 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh the sunrise sounds nice – and I am off to bed over here
      I do not scrapbook – I did in the 1990’s and then in early 2000s with the kids. and then for about four or five years I kept a large folder kind of scrapbook just to hold play bills or ticket stubs – but in a way, my blogs are a digital scrapbook, ya know? do you scrapbook?


    1. gracias…. and I thought about editing the photo to make some of the grass highlighted – and maybe even make the glow on the grass stronger in the color version – but less felt like more….

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