Art Digest #6 (Days 76-90 of 365 Days of Art) Bridges, Conversate, and Monopoly

Today’s post is an art digest to cover days 76 to 90 of the 365 Days of Art.  I am thinking about an idea for an e-book or something else, but I really prefer the digests and so here is one to peruse:

Day 76: Cheering Colors

I almost bought this print because the colors brought cheer this month (when traveling for the funeral). But I put it back…. I really do NOT want to bring home one more item – even if beautiful…. so I took a Photo to soak it up this way….

Day 77:  Artsy Bridge 

Sometimes I forget how beautiful bridges can be – and looking up at this bridge (on the way to Niagara Falls) I was reminded of how wonderful it feels traveling across some artsy bridges – design that surrounds us everyday.

Day 78: Joseph Stella, Bridge, 1936

The Brooklyn Bridge became a recurring theme in Joseph Stella’s work because it deeply MOVED him inside.  This bridge has inspired many artists over the years…. and the Italian immigrant, Stella, made many small studies of the bridge and then gave us five major oil paintings. Go here to see another Stella version of the bridge and to explore a watch and listen guide….

Day 79: Monet’s Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies

In 1899, Monet painted different views of a smaller bridge – his wooden footbridge at Giverny. He ended up with 12 paintings and this one here is noted for the vertical placement-   the flatness of the bridge anchors the setting in a way that invites us in and allows us to possibly get moved (or pulled in) by those lily pads and bit of reflection…..

Day 80: Jiaozhou Bay Bridge


The 26 mile long Jiaozhou Bay bridge in China is currently the longest bridge over water (here)

credit: Google images, Jiaozhou Bay bridge
credit: Google images, Jiaozhou Bay bridge

Day 81: Rex Brandt 

Earlier this month I showed you some brief tutorials from the talented watercolor painter Rex Brandt (1914-2000).  For this digest I had to share one of my favorite Brandt’s called Evening Rendezvous.  I love when watercolor painters add their name and title to the piece (see lower right of painting).


Art Collector’s Mark and Janet Hilbert donated Rex Brandt’s “Evening Rendezvous” to Laguna College of Art and Design –here.

And here is another Evening Rendezvous from a different artist.

Day 82:  Sandy Texture

To keep on a bit with Brandt’s sea theme, here is some sandy texture from a very small picture frame my cousin had on her shelf.  The beach theme is everywhere…. and on a snowy day in Buffalo –  I found a taste of the sea. 🙂


Day 83: Throwback from 1981

I saw this hanging at a place in Buffalo and it looks like watercolor, but it is actually acrylic on canvas. I really wondered about this piece – and especially wondered the actual location.



Day 84: Art of Conversating…

This next image is special to me because isn’t a good conversation a true gift in life? Oh indeed it is!  And when you share a good convo with someone it can stay with you for a long time.

I first heard the word “conversate” a few years ago when we used to watch Judge Judy. We heard the word and looked it up…. we discovered the word “conversate” has been around since at least 1829 (here), but it has become popular in use because of certain songs and everyday usage.

Back to the photo.

In 1886, Paul Nadar captured photos of his dad, Felix, interviewing scientist Chevreul.  I think Paul really captured the essence of their conversation, don’t you?  ((And I smile right now to think of conversations with my nephew – times of chatting that will stay with me forever. And I also think of the mini convos I have with some of my other relatives – friends in everyday life – and the blog and email friends – ahhhh – life is enriched by our conversating…))


Also – check out my book about Conversation:

Tips for talking with teens

Day 85:  Artsy Cotton Dress from 1891-1892 

The art that is found in clothing is often overlooked – and this dress from the late 1800’s reminds me of a look that was popular during the 1970’s….. maybe without the extra skinny waist. Do you agree? And thanks to Miss G for her post about exploring the year 1892 that led me to that old artsy dress image. I also thought this dress would coordinate nicely with the count’s ruby-red vest…. ha!
Miss G’s art bunny…. so fun

Day 86:  Three Featured Bloggers

#1: 90 Days of Art with artist John Beck McConnico John has done three art projects for charity (here). I chose Soma, 5:26 p.m. to share because it reminded me of the Throwback post above (Day 83: Terry, 1981). Also, John’s watercolor skills remind me a little of Brandt’s skilled style.

#2: Norah Colvin of Readilearn is an Educator who also features some art in her posts. One of her recent posts, Of Puddles and Rainbows (here), provides a great example and below is a collage:


#3: Shari Blaukopf  of The Sketchbook (here) was mentioned by Helen C. and I just had to feature this artist blogger.

Shari posts everyday watercolor is her preferred medium and she has a book (info here):


The last section of Digest #6 – let’s switch gears and peek at some Monopoly Art

Day 87: Monopoly Art Fundraiser (ART on the walls)

Last year, my son’s school did a Monopoly themed fund-raiser. Here is a photo that reminded me of one of those “Where is Waldo?” pages:


Day 88: ALEC Monopoly Art

Not sure if you ever heard of the street artist Alec Monopoly. He makes Monopoly themed street art in cities like New York, Los Angeles, and London. I wanted to feature some of his colorful images in this digest.  Alec layers social angles into his work and he uses anything from spray paint to epoxy to newspaper. More info about Alec Monopoly is here and here.


Day 89: Monopoly 1935 Blueprint Reproduction 

Have you ever wondered what an original blueprint for the Monopoly game looked like? Here is a framed reproduction of a blueprint from 1935.

Day 90: Artsy Banks

Last year, we bought our boys some Monopoly Bookshelf art.  They have lots of different options – and here is an example (we did not buy this – but the bank idea is fun).




35 thoughts on “Art Digest #6 (Days 76-90 of 365 Days of Art) Bridges, Conversate, and Monopoly

  1. Very good collection of art works and many different forms too! I really like artsy bridges set. I like architecture works and bridges are great example of it – love metal or event wood bended into different shapes – some curved and some straight put together. I immediately like Monet’s bridge painting. It is just easy to fall or moved into it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi YC – your wood comment reminded me that a lot of wood art is “in” right now…. at least around here.
      and I have come to appreciate some of Monet’s work in a fresh way. I almost feel like i was too saturated with it over the years – we had “go fish” cards with Monet art – greeting cards with his work – and was so commercialized I think I stopped even seeing individual pieces. I don’t love all of his stuff – but sometimes when I take the time to appreciate one of his pieces – I find the charm – especially if it is the original…. or a good reproduction – ya know

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely collection of bridges. The one on the way to Niagra Falls looks stunning. Hope that trip went well 😊🌊 That Monopoly fundraiser looks so fun, and so many tables too. Must have been a good turnout and always fun playing that board game. The blueprint looks like such a valuable piece of work now. All framed and safe 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi M – yes – the trip went well – and the blueprint is a actually a copy- but truly a great way to allow folks to have a version of such an important document….

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love this post. So much to digest in one sitting. I will be coming back to look more and more. I always look up when crossing a bridge – carefully if I am driving of course – getting the perspective right is a challenge for me. The other art will be looked at closely later. I like the photos of conversating. Old photos always draw my attention. Thanks for a lovely time.
    PS My spell check didn’t like conversating ha ha ha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. glad you are careful while at the wheel – ha! and I bet that would be even harder with a high tech camera to set up – while at the wheel – lol

      and thanks for exploring the digest and my spell check does not like the word conversate either, but it was used in formal writing in the 1800s and maybe some updates are needed….

      oh and here is another picture of the same bride that I liked- but I included the other one here because I felt like the thin vertical lines went with a vertical vibe in many of the art pieces here, ya know?

      but here is the other one (in B-w)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I looked and looked, possibly for another dress but in B&W and wondered about the vertical lines and then the penny dropped. Not a bride at all ha ha ha Where spell check doesn’t work. Like my name. I often get letters addressed Dear Brain….which turned into my nickname in the office

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely collection of art 🙂

    I deeply loathe the term “conversate.” It always seems like just lazy English since it’s created by making a verb of the noun “conversation.” Pointless, since there already is a verb for that “converse.” I have no problem with new words — English is much richer for its ability to absorb newness, but I hate laziness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Su….
      I hear you loud and clear – and I was quite surprised to learn of the history of this word – I thought it evolved like “ain’t” – and I was surprised to see it

      “conversate is a back-formation, a type of word made by removing a portion of an existing word (such as the suffix). Thus, escalate was formed by shortening escalator; televise comes from television, and donate was made from donation. There are many hundreds of words in English made this way, but some people will forever look askance at words such as liaise (formed by back-formation from liaison).
      and even more surprised to read this:

      “Yet conversate is not a product of rap music, and the earliest examples of its use seem regional, not racial. The word has been in fairly consistent written use for almost 200 years. The earliest known citation is from 1829, in the North-Carolina Free Press: “I love to conversate with wise men on any sorter ticks, more espesially pollyticks.” “

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Yvette, You’ve packed a lot into this post. The first painting is beautiful with its gorgeous colours. I can see why it cheered you. I also understand why you took a photo instead of taking the real thing home. There comes a time when there’s just too much stuff!
    I love your collection of bridge photos and paintings. Of course my favourite is Monet’s painting. One day I want to visit his garden!
    I’ve never been a big fan of Monopoly but enjoyed the collection of art.
    And then how surprised was I to find myself in a mention at the bottom of your post! Thank you Yvette. You are very generous. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well I was coming by today to let you know I finally got this post up! 🙂
      and thanks for staking the time to visit – ttys xxoo


  6. First – I love bridges and they will always get a thumbs up from me … but what was really noticeable to me from this post is how diverse the creative mind can be. There is something for everyone.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. well thanks Joanne- I am making an e-book with all of the 365 day entries – and hopefully it will be diverse and cohesive at the same time…. I will change the days to have things sync, so we shall see – have a great day (and still thinking of pancakes…)

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Wonderful post, Yvette! 😄 Just looove the bridge from Niagara Falls! And the Monet of course too! Thank you so much for including my little Count Harecula!! That dress would indeed go nicely with the vest 😄 xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  8. The Bridge of Stella – Daring! And Rex Brandt -great contrast! Feel so accomplished today – finished the text for a book about revelation and creativity.
    A question to you – It is about including revelation in one’s creative approach (creativity in general, not only the visual arts, but also music, dance, etc.). I don’t want it to be labeled as a Christian book., but yet you know me. What is your take on it? Are there other words that say the same as “revelation?” In the book I have made clear that the source of creativity is the Creator.


      1. Of course, as a blogger I like specific mentions, so will say: fashion (dress which reminds me of “Pride and Prejudice” ~ Elizabeth character and vest from Miss G), bridges, black and white photos of two great minds and Money are my favorites. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. oh I like the way your mind works – and keep blogging because you bring a lot of orginality to the sphere…


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