Apples – Imitation and Real

Paula’s Thursday Special (here) this week is imitation.  One thing I like about photo challenges is how it motivates us to take new photos – or perhaps motivates us to dig through our archives.

I decided to take a new photo for the word “imitation” and experimented with blurring the background with these itty-bitty apples (they are from a set I bought for my great-niece).

While on the topic of apples, here is a photo of real apples (Priorhouse apple tree – summer 2017).

This tree is a self-pollinating “delicious family” apple variety  – and this year we had a nice crop. (But the best year so far was 2013.)

Quick little story from this year:

I had to finally force myself to get outside to pick the apples (mid August).

There were a handful of rotten ones on the ground and fruit flies and other bugs will nest if we are not responsible fruit-tree owners.

This is the first year that the tree is extra tall – and so I was not sure how we would reach all of the top apples (use a ladder… ha) – so for now, I grabbed the lower apples and tossed any bad ones. Then gave some neighbors bags of apples and kept some.

The next day, my spouse told me that the neighbor’s landscaper was out and my spouse told him that “he could have all the leftover apples if he wanted to get up there and get them.”

I told my hubs that it sounded condescending and that I had hoped it did not come across that way – you know- like I hope it did not imply that he wanted (or needed) free apples. And before you think I am being too sensitive – I have had this happen – where people became offended or defensive. Some folks feel weird with certain “offerings.” (And for legit reasons sometimes – so we just never know- and perhaps a few stories can be shared later on. But I cringed a little when he told me what he had said…)

Anyhow, the next day, the landscaper (cool guy too) well he came back and double-checked with us about being able to take the apples because “his horses would love them” – and then he offered to spray the tree (for free) if we wanted him to.


We were blessed to not have to retrieve all those apples – and he was blessed with some horse snacks- win-win. (And I told my husband he made a good call – wink).

That is all for today….

And seeing that it is Sunday – and considering I featured our apple tree in this post – let’s link up with Becca Gievns’ Sunday Tree group. I know some people way overdo the linking of challenges- and I am trying not to combine them anymore, but this one just seems like a perfect combo so I hope the blog challenge hosts will not mind my doubling up here.

Hope you are all having a great day- and see you later in the week for some Thursday Doors….




61 thoughts on “Apples – Imitation and Real

    1. well I wish I could sen you some, Paula – and I wish I could be on the beach with your imitation Orca- that was so cute and such a gorgeous location 🙂

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    1. thanks so much YC – and you are right about the wax coverings – I also heard many apples today have red dyes added – to make them look more attractive – and then I heard that the problem with dyes has to do with some of the “heavy metals” they have – which can accumulate in our bodies.
      Like recently heard someone go off about how the innocent looking dyes – on fruits and in some candy (like maybe M& Ms) might be leading to heavy metal accumulation in the body – and we usually think of deodorant with aluminum and stay away – but then who would think of foods??

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no! I’ve not heard of heavy metals in the dyes. I’ve always have the concern when I gobble down M&M about the fool colors. This is another reason for me to keep my M&M consumption low.

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        1. Well I am still learning with everyone here – and after doing two “EDTA” oral chelation weeks (very easy to do by the way – I buy source naturals brand capsules and take some EDTA for a week – it is not as powerful as getting the EDTA via an IV – but worked really well for me a couple of years ago – )and I think some folks have more heavy metals than others – especially if they have had dental work (mercury) or other exposures –

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    1. yes – and some of the apples had worms this year – I keep it very organic and only dust a little Seven- and so maybe his light spraying came at the perfect time too 🙂

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  1. Yay for homegrown! And for sharing the fruit with the landscaper. I know what you mean about feeling reluctant to offer in case people are offended. Who could be offended by fresh, homegrown apples?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks – and I was just hoping the offer was received – cos handing a bag of apples is different than saying “if u want to access them you can have em free”
      Well one story I have was the lady down the street – I know her from voting and brought her some extra flowers and bulbs that had to be divided – she later told me her spouse asked “why did she think we needed flowers?”
      Again – maybe it depends on where the person is at – if they know the giver – so many details –

      And thanks for the comment

      Liked by 2 people

      1. So true about individuals reacting differently to offers. I think too that we’re more suspicious of random gifts and “stuff for free” than other generations. In the neighbourhood where I grew up everyone shared the produce from their gardens and the preserves cos they grew different things and it was considered totally normal to share. My neighbourhood used to me like that for a while. But people come and go and I don’t feel like I know the new neighbours well enough to offer my garden excess to them. 🙂

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        1. Oh Su – that is how i think it was meant to be. And sad when we have a taste of it and then the neighborhood changes.
          We recently had a story on the news where some guy was caught stealing from a community garden (seems like those were popular here around 2011ish) anyhow – the news said “veggie thief on the loose in Petersburg” and I had to read more.
          I was thinking they were being too harsh (like not sharing enough and come on now….) but i guess the veggie thief was uprooting plants and being stupid – much different from taking a few tomatoes or zucchini – tearing up the plant???)

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    2. If I may jump in here to offer my own bit of ranting: we have learnt to be a little more careful with proffering home-baked goods as gifts; we used to think it was a wonderful thing to gift things from our kitchen, until we were met with disdain by a medical practitioner some years back; I think she was expecting a box of Godiva chocolates, not a jar of homemade cookies.

      So, we take the adage “Do not cast pearls before swine” quite seriously these days.

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      1. Thank you for offering another perspective here. I think it’s so sad when people look down on home-made gifts, but I totally understand how that experience would make you more circumspect.
        I’ve found that even “luxury” brand bought goods often taste inferior to homemade, but of course if the recipient is someone impressed by branding, taste is probably secondary anyway. 🙂
        But on the bright side, you can save the homemade deliciousness for people who do appreciate it.

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      2. well I firmly agree – and have learned lessons here and there.
        My friend Donna will not eat from kitchens of people with pets!
        she once was sharing why.
        some folks will not eat items that seem “hand handled” too much –
        and you know, I start to become a little more careful because we assume a lot when we receive and ingest a food item that was prepared in a place we know not of….
        which reminds me –
        we Americans accept food items from countries that do not like us….
        and just heard that North Korean textiles are no longer accepted – so really? we were allowing fabrics – that can be laced with mirco things – to enter our country.
        but I digress
        Back to the food.
        I once (1993) heard a Fuddruckers manager talk about what to never eat at certain eateries – and he said to always go for items that seem to have been handled the least.
        anyhow, becoming more aware of this – (how people feel about eating homemade food and the preference some have to make sure things were made in extra sanitary conditions or with certain items only) for the last few years while giving out holiday plate sof goodies – I have included more and more (maybe 50%) of store-wrapped items….
        so we made peanut butter cups – but gave some chiradelli wrapped squares too –
        but you make a good point

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        1. Isn’t it amazing how complicated eating has become of late? I still remember the days when we could give homemade goodies during Halloween Trick or Treating; and it is a definite No-No these days!

          I guess we just reserve our goodies for those we know, and when we have to gift those further away from our circle of friendship, we just buy something “suitable”!

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  2. I never get the tops of my apple trees harvested. Usually, they fall down, ferment, freeze, and then the dog gets tipsy on them 🙂
    2013 was my best crop as well. I got more than 20 pies and several crock pots of applesauce out of 2013.
    I need to have mine pruned. Again. Still. Always it seems.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Always pruning indeed – cheers to 2013 then – the year of the apple (and the spring doggy spring cocktail – bah! Just heard about prisoners making wine from raisins – hey gotta do what u gotta do)

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  3. Aww you are sweet to care so much about possible hurt feelings and bruised egos 🙂 Btw hope your hubby’s feelings weren’t hurt! 😀 Have a super day Y

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi DawD – no- hubs was cool – and this was actually a quick exchange – like a grain of sand – can’t believe the story made it into a post – but mentioned it to him (that the guy might be offended) and he just said he didn’t think so – but over many years we have come to tune in if the other one is discerning something (because you know how social matters can be – and we still continue to learn) –
      hope you have a super week 🙂

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  4. Lovely apples and a great story Yvette. I wouldn’t say no to apples. Interesting how people react to being given stuff. I don’t like to link either with other blogs other than the one I am intending to enter my photo in the challenge. I did it last night when I entered Debbies 6 Word and I received an email from DP with the prompt Sting. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just checked out your double-challenge pic and a) it was nicely paired to both challenges – not forced – and b) the color and uniqueness of that image (midline ruffle and top light and glow – is still with me – cool shot

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  5. Are apples common in your place unlike Africa? How much is one sold? Educate me further to have a glimpse of things on apples, though we have a local one that is not as big and delicious as imported one.

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    1. Hello Peter – thanks for your visit/comment. and yes, apples are common here in the States – but I had to look up some info to reply to your question.

      In the US, many of us used to think that Johnny Appleseed helped get the edible apple tree going, but Delancey Place (here) had a fun post with Cheever’s (2015) book:

      “”In general, seeds like those that Johnny Appleseed carried did not grow edible apples. Most edible apples are grown from grafts in which pieces of trees that bear a certain kind of apple are grafted onto other trees to create the best eating apples. Apples grown from seeds are usu­ally small and sour. They are called spitters for obvious reasons. They are ‘sour enough,’ Henry David Thoreau wrote, ‘to set a squirrel’s teeth on edge and make a jay scream.’ But apples grown from seeds are very good for one thing — making hard cider. Furthermore, apple cider was almost the only way the settlers could experience sweetness. Sugar was rare. Honey was hard to get.

      “Johnny Appleseed was not carrying the possibility of eating apples; his mission was something quite different and more mature than Dis­ney’s 1948 movie version. Far from being the American Saint Francis, John Chapman turned out to be the American Dionysus. No wonder everyone was glad to see him coming down the western roads!”

      So I went to “Apple Facts” at U of I

      and found these tidbits to share:

      In 1730, the first apple nursery was opened in Flushing, New York.

      The apple variety ‘Red Delicious’ is the most widely grown in the United States

      Almost one out of every four apples harvested in the United States is exported.

      One of George Washington’s hobbies was pruning his apple trees.

      America’s longest-lived apple tree was reportedly planted in 1647 by Peter Stuyvesant in his Manhattan orchard and was still bearing fruit when a derailed train struck it in 1866.

      The largest U. S. apple crop was 277.3 million cartons in 1998.

      The old saying, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” This saying comes from an old English adage, “To eat an apple before going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread.”

      Don’t peel your apple. Two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the peel. Antioxidants help to reduce damage to cells, which can trigger some diseases.

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      1. Thanks a lot for this researched to my question. I’ve been lectured, and I’ve learned a lot about Apples and USA. Thanks one more time and do have a nice day.


  6. My neighbour has an enormous apple tree and doesn’t like apples so for weeks I’ve been peeling, cooking and giving away as many as I can. And still there are those high up ones waiting to bounce! Can you send that nice chap over here? 🙂 🙂

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  7. “There were a handful of rotten ones on the ground and fruit flies and other bugs will nest if we are not responsible fruit-tree owners.” – so true, so true! We have a few folks around here with “heirloom” trees on their urban lot (used to be orchards before it was developed into housing) who neglect the trees terribly, and then in late August you have clouds of yellow jackets and other off-putting creatures. Just pick them up! There are some efforts to gather “orphan” fruit on behalf of food banks, and I like that….

    Loved your story about the offer to the landscaper. Yes, I would be with you about concerns that it wasn’t a condescending offer. Great that it turned out he was in the spirit of your husband’s offer. Thank you for sharing that story, Yvette!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks T – and I heard a show – years ago – on NPR about abandoned or foreclosed orchards that were causing problems – and so it was interesting to hear your experience – and reminds us that we are so connected – even with our property lines and deeds.
      and with this social experience – it was such a small moment of our life and not sure how the story made it into a blog post – because the better story with this landscaper would have been from earlier that summer.
      My son’s gf was going somewhere with me and we were in a hurry – but the landscaping guy was there and had to bring his son with him that day.
      I paused – after rushing the gf – and went back in to send them over snacks.
      later- the guy thanked me – but extra thanked me for the vitamin c gummies saying his son was super picky and all that.
      but I also knew that a ltitle sustenance would help.
      and so if I made a small blog post about it – well it would have noted that sometimes we have to stop our busy life to make time to give – and serve a bit – rather than go and only think of us…
      with balance of course.
      and I could have given him a snack any other day – but that very hour seemed it was needed most.
      anyhow, the apple story was such a small thing – but I guess that is how blogging unfolds – when we write in the moment and share snippets of our lives… who knows what we will reflect on…

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      1. Yvette! I love that you made them a snack, and that it was spontaneous like that. A true gift of the heart. Those small moments truly enrich our lives, not the rushing-around BIG moments that we all too often forget. I love that you relished that! Thank you for sharing your story! 🙂


  8. The miniature replica is so very cute! What is it made of? I ask because my daughter loves working with miniatures …. clay, paper …

    Living in Singapore, we don’t have much opportunity for growing our own fruit & veggie (although daughter & husband try in our very very small balcony garden; so far, nothing we can really count on eating), so I am very envious! The Apple-Landscaper story is so humorous & serendipitous!

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    1. thanks for the comment (and sorry for a late reply) and the little apple basket is actually plastic apples, wire handles (looks like wrapped wire) and the small crate basket is wood.
      and good luck with the patio plantings….
      I know a lady across town who used to grow huge veggie plants in tall buckets.
      She had a huge property – but preferred those make shift raised beds – and I think drainage and fertilizing properly were her keys to success. My son sometimes had scout meetings at her house and I seriously was baffled by the height and healthy fruits of plants grown in buckets.


    1. thanks so much – and you are right – edible ones demand attention – and then the inedible ones make for some nice putting practice – ha


    1. well good for you – I have heard that it can be tough to get a seedling for certain trees – and so right on. I hope you do get your bounty – our apple tree is very dear to me for what it brought our way….
      oh and happy new year MSW

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