3 Day Quote Challenge (Day 1 – Louis L’Amour)

Hello everyone – I am joining in with Karen’s  Three Day Quote Challenge. Karen (here) has one of the coolest blog taglines: “Smile. Don’t look back in anger.”

K’s challenge came at a good time because I have not shared very many quotes this year. And maybe it is good to backoff at times because sharing quotes can get overdone- don’t ya agree? But this week I have a few worth sharing. 🙂

Today’s quote is a Louis L’Amour quote.

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”


I have shared before that for about twenty years I used to use a Louis L’Amoour quote to remind students to get moving. My version of something he said comes from a different quote of his (which I could not find right now) but Louis said something about how “no idea ever came to him until his pen started moving” – and that reminds us that creativity is often nurtured by process….


Rules of the Challenge

The rules are simply to post a favourite quote every day for three days, and pass on the challenge to three other bloggers. You can do this at any time you like – even next year – ha – and you can also say, “No thanks.”

My nominees for today:

Mahesh the Write Might

Georgie from Georgie Moon

Ana from A Writing Life 

and N from Praying for Eyebrowz






23 thoughts on “3 Day Quote Challenge (Day 1 – Louis L’Amour)

    1. Well u just make posts and publish – and you can invite a specific person or three – or make it open to all your readers – but this week I wanted to specifically invite some folks – and then if you copy the link to this post you will link – but that is not needed.
      It is more about seeing if u are in the mood to share three quotes this week ❤️

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  1. A brilliant quote! I buy L’Amour books for my brother-in-law but haven’t read any myself. I think I must add one to my list.
    And a great idea for a challenge as it can give new ideas, great reminders and introduce us to new people!

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  2. Yvette, lovely to see you taking up the mantle of the 3 day quote! 😀 This one is terrific and so true…sometimes I sit down to write and it feels as if someone has turned on the tap and the writing just flows…alas other times it’s almost as if the pipes are blocked and just a dribble of words!! 😀😀

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    1. Well thanks for dropping by and I feel like I have had an Annika infusion this week with some of your posts and Karen’s interview of you – hah! Good to get to know ya a bit more AP

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