16 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday (AfterBefore Jefferson Hotel Lobby-2)

    1. Thanks so much van – and u are right that many have those ghost stories but I have not heard any for this place and we used to go there a lot – not so much anymore with the new management over the last year – but their restaurant has won some top awards locally cos they were amazing and decent priced –

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      1. Yes, still catching up with my blog, cleaning house to prepare for Thanksgiving (hosting this year), and getting ready to go back to help my daughter. Fun will always be waiting for me.

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  1. Both are grand! You had me going for a minute. When I was a toddler, my Dad managed and we lived at the Jefferson Hotel — but it was in Columbus, Ohio! A year or two ago when I tried to find anything online, it has apparently been torn down to make way for other downtown “stuff.” Sigh….

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    1. Oh his sad it was torn down – and maybe it had structure problems or mold ? I think some old places cannot be saved – but other times it might have been premature – heard NPR last week where someone talked about the field where Chicago building parts were dumped back in the day and one guy recalled seeing grand pillars sticking straight up….. so sad

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