A Plump Little Seed (Micro Fiction)

A Plump Little Seed (Fiction word count: 150)

Talked my boss into sending me to Norfolk Island for more soil samples. I was also in a bad place personally….burned out. Not sure what the root cause was – do we ever really know every layer?

As expected, daily swims and cutting back brush quieted my ennui. However, it was on the last day when inspiration landed in my lap – literally.

A feisty breeze blew leaves around. How fortuitous it was to be covered in debris – like confetti after a win. I almost smiled.

Then there was a seed stuck to my leg. I peeled it off and held it up: araucaria heterophylla, Norfolk Pine.

The seed glistened.

My fingers pressed the plumpness.

Inside the layers of this fully alive seed was so much life.

I fastened the seed into my journal and putting my hand to my heart, I felt the force of life fresh inside me.

Finally smiled.


This week Pegman brought us to Norfolk Island for the flash fiction writing prompt. “What Pegman Saw is a weekly fiction prompt utilizing Google Maps. The assignment is to write a story–150 words or less–based upon your own street view tour, using the location link provided.”




40 thoughts on “A Plump Little Seed (Micro Fiction)

  1. Nice metaphor. If you plant a Norfolk Pine somewhere else, would it grow? Oh, whoops – halfway through this comment and I remember this is fiction isn’t it? 🙂 so well written I thought you had taken the seed home.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi – well that isactually a great question Grumpy A.
      Because in my quick reading on this location I found three main topics – first – this island had a history of being used as a jail….
      second – the only ones who typically visit nowadays are researchers and
      third – the nrofolk pine found on Norfolk island is grown in a lot of places – but it is not a true pine:

      The Norfolk pine tree (Araucaria heterophylla) isn’t a true pine. In fact, while most true pines tolerate freezing temperatures, this South Pacific region native prefers warmer climates, including those found in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11.


  2. I love this story! The plump seed is such a good metaphor for life in so many ways; it was a really clever choice of subject. And you integrated the personal with the abstract, the emotional with the intellectual so beautifully. Kudos!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Norah!! I was just thinking about u and have to come and visit and check in! And then to see u dropped by – 💙- and thx for your nice comment and this easily could be a real story- eh? And my heart goes out to anyone who is burned out – sometimes folks don’t recognize their apathy or anger as coming from burnout – and so maybe this could
      Just get someone thinking – xoxo


  3. They are wonderfully hopeful things, seeds. Filled with promise and hope, and everything a new life needs on the start of its journey. A lovely tale and well told

    Liked by 1 person

      1. So far in human history, we’ve always had some grain of hope as long as the next generation has been born and survived. Let’s hope it remains that way

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