20 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday (peeking into the sculpture room)

    1. peeking….
      my clay days were way back when (so drying on the hands) and we were leaving an art show earlier this year and saw this – the quietness stood out to me

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  1. The skeleton looks a the faces and says…”What’s with the serious faces? Look at me, and I’m smiling!
    Thanks Prior. 🙂

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  2. Interesting place to take a peak. I always like looking into work place of any kind to see how they arrange their space to do what they do etc. Places for creative works are in and by themselves can also be very ingenious as the output from the place.

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

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  3. Yvette, a lovely sense of anticipation for the students to return! At Perry Green, which was Henry Moore’s base, you can view one of his studios and it’s as if he has left for a cuppa and is soon to return…so many unfinished pieces, so many clay models of the larger finished pieces in the grounds. Astonishing place.

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