Multi-Colored Fish and Magnolia Tree (Destin, FL)

This Sunday, I have some photos from Destin, Florida to connect with Travel with Intent’s MULTI-colored theme (here).


The next two are linked to Sunday Trees #320:



Happy Sunday and Happy New Year Everyone

And okay….. one comic to close out the year with:









27 thoughts on “Multi-Colored Fish and Magnolia Tree (Destin, FL)

  1. Brilliant multi-colouring Yvette – even the trees.
    Thats for all you wonderful comments (you always raise my spirits and give me plenty to think about) and challenge support. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Here I was slowly scrolling through your lovely photos and enjoying them tremendously. Suddenly the cartoon comes into view. OMIGOSH, if I’d been drinking my soda, it would have been all over my computer! You took me by surprise and I laughed so hard. Maybe it hit home because I’m sitting on the couch trying to write this while my little Inky insists on competing with the laptop for my lap! Always!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well that was fun to read – and I really appreciate the comment because I almost changed the comic or went without one.
      I thought maybe I should get one to tie in with color or trees or wood – you know – to fit in with the post.
      But then I thought –
      I want to share the comic with the cat plopping down on the surgeon as he does surgery with the nurse’s eyes bulging.
      and who cares if it fits in….
      and so cat comic it was
      and how fun that Inky blogs with you

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi H – I laughed when you read that your brain freezes – ha
      and I hear ya –
      I have seen a light come on my care I have never seen before- it was this temp light and had a freeze warning or something – it went away after the car was running for a minute – but frigid cold – and I guess they call it a “cyclone bomb”


  3. Thank you for your New Year’s wish, Yvette! The same to you, and hope you’ll have something planned in the artistic arena:)
    Smiled since the fish were at the ceiling – they must be flying fish … but multi-colored! Like that they took the opportunity to do do something with the tree trunk outside instead just chopping it of!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi jesh – happy new year – and flying fish indeed.
      and the tree is called the Kelly Magnolia
      1844 to 2014 and was “4-stories”


  4. Yvette, hope you’re having a great start to the New Year and wish you lots of joy, peace and laughter in 2018. I love the colours here and the tree with the turtle is striking! Xxx


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