25 thoughts on “Silence

  1. These decorating items seem to be of Chinese style. I am wondering about what the place is.
    I can see one sat, look up and let his thought run in mind. Silence that is what he/she needs.

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    1. Hi YC – I can see what you see here.
      and this was taken at a local botanical garden place where they love literature and art – and I am going to see if this is a short-term display of permanent – I am curious now

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  2. Reminds me of that Depeche Mode song ‘Enjoy Your Silence’. Lovely photo.


    1. thanks for sharing that I know a couple of Depeche Mode songs, and checked that one out- it felt faintly familiar.
      and for me – I keep thinking of the Thomas Dolby song “Blinded me with Science…” when I think of the word Silence this week.

      I just insert “Silence” for “science” lol


    1. thanks for guessing – it is from a local botanical garden – i am not sure if it is up all the time or was just an installation – I will find out soon

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  3. thanks for sharing that I know a couple of Depeche Mode songs, and checked that one out- it felt faintly familiar.
    and for me – I keep thinking of the Thomas Dolby song “Blinded me with Science…” when I think of the word Silence this week.

    I just insert “Silence” for “science” lol

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