Travel Guide Photo Challenge

Hi everyone – the weekly photo challenge (here) asks us to share what we love about where we live – to “show” it in photos” – and this post is about RICHMOND, Virginia.

The first image is from the newest place we have found to enjoy some decent food, an eatery called Kitchen 64.  It is fun when you live somewhere for a while and never heard of a place that ends up being really good. This is near the bus station and we had no idea it was there. 

Did you notice the art in the last photo? That was from the covered patio at Kitchen 64 – (heated in winter – but we sat inside).

This reminds me as to how I like seeing the art our town – like most cities – a variety of art shows up in some fun places.


Local Artist signature  linked to Travel with Intent’s Square
And here we have some origami (for Sarah-Miss G) from our local Trader Joe’s and from a library

We have an outdoor theatre called the Dogwood Dell.  They have a thin schedule each year (sad to see the amphitheater sit empty so much) but they do offer variety of shows every summer. Below is a snapshot from the night the VA Opera was there a few years ago. 

We also have the Jefferson Hotel- the wonderful Jefferson.

Part of the success of the Jefferson is not just having 5-Star accommodations, but their restaurants have won local awards for having food that was delicious and affordable.  However, they changed their management recently and it is starting to show in the food and service (we think). Who knows, it might end up being better for some folks, but not for us – and that is okay because as noted – we continue to find new places and sometimes change is good. But I hope they do not get too off course at the Jefferson because the previous management was brilliant for finding a way to pull in the locals.     It was a gift. 

Another thing I like about our town, is the live music. Sometimes the music scene finds you.     You drop by and music is playing.    Not always – but this happens especially around the holidays. 

Carol Covell singing at The Beet (Richmond, Va 12/2017)
James Bjork (right) playing sax with his jazz band at the eatery Cary 100 (Richmond, Va 12/2017)

Here is a little video snippet:

And here is Mr Baigley singing Dock of the bay (and at the end grabbed a bit of his impression of Richard Pryor)


We also have a local university called VCU – and after hiring Shaka Smart to be the head coach in the spring of 2009 – the tuition quadrupled (something like that). Shaka Smart had a powerful six years here and brought the men’s basketball team to the Final Four – and at first when the team showed up – they got the nickname “VC-WHO?”

Shaka Smart went to coach at Texas (WP article here) but even without his coaching, the VCU players have still been doing pretty well. They also have fun with their nickname and sometimes are called VC-Whoers….

VCU Game Richmond, VA – 1-2018 (Thanks to Brenda & C for bringing us)

Now this college talk had my mind wanting to go on too many rabbit trails. 

“This is a photo challenge post,” I reminded myself. 

And so rather than rant about State college tuition hikes, and rather than expound on John Grisham’s irritating take on for-profit schools, which would then get me ranting about the health care system in America and how “for-profit” it is unethical and wrong – while everyone looks the other way! How we ignore prices that are sky-high and jacked up – seriously- the U.S. is ranked 37th in quality of healthcare and yet we are number one for bankruptcy from healthcare costs (what the heck…). 

And rather than getting off topic about a recent story about a student, from a local community college called Reynolds, who was in court this week for attacking her professor-  because he “allegedly” grabbed her butt and also played mental sex games with her (something like that) and how the rate my professor (here) shows what a creep her instructor likely was – story is here (and where are the powerful Hollywood Metoo Women’s Movement to help people in small cases like this? Or does she not get any help from the powerful in this movement – maybe because she is not a millionaire or she does not have celebrity status?).

You see, when I think of the town I have been living in for more than a decade – it provokes different things at different times. 

“This is a photo challenge post,” I remind myself. 

So rather than rant off topic, I will maybe write an opinion post later, and just close with one last photo. 

This photo was taken at an eatery in the heart of the VCU campus, right outside of Downtown Richmond. 

Such a peaceful, “chill feel” to end the post with – peace out…

AUTHOR UPDATE 2/17/2018:

Added videos to this post –


Wanted to show Mahesh this (as we were chatting about this topic here in this post comment section).

This video from CNN notes how we are 57th in the world for efficiency (and care – and look at the stats for whether or not we are doing better?? um…)

An article in Financial Times (here) provided another example of the crazy unregulated “for-extreme profit” healthcare situation in our country; this drug price spike is an example of what people are cornered into dealing with:

80 thoughts on “Travel Guide Photo Challenge

    1. well I think we are close to some – and there is a small winery 20 minutes away – always thought we would go more (our friends were married there and it is quaint) yet we never seem to make it

      Liked by 2 people

        1. that is a really good point – even though I still feel like a visitor here – 10 plus years and it is home – big time – but still have a transplant feel

          Liked by 2 people

        1. well I am Mister Prior and I am married.
          But hang in there – the right amiga will come along for you – yes – someone who loves you and your writing Spanish Poet

          Liked by 1 person

  1. It made me smile as you ‘kept your opinions in check’, Yvette. 🙂 🙂 No easy thing to do! Thanks for the intro to your hometown. I like what I see. Happy weekend!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks for reading Jo – and those rabbit trails can sneak in, perhaps for another post. and I heard you were in algarve for a few weeks – and nice of you to check in

      Liked by 2 people

  2. When you’ve been in a town for so long, change is always easily noticeable, for better or worse. Looks like you’ve always kept an eye on the food. That menu looks interesting, especially the crab cake sandwich. It sounds like a restaurant where you can go to to treat yourself 🙂 Hope the Jefferson doesn’t go too far back and continues to sit well with locals. Maybe they are catering to a different crowd or crowds from outside of town.

    It always amazes me how there looks like plenty of diners in the States with a long bench and tall stools. We don’t have many eateries like that.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. wow – you are right – the bench and the stools – are popular – and this particular place is actually supposed to have a 60s vibe – and we are not at all in the eateing scene – seriously – or I would have known about K-64 and others – we really just find a few places we like and stay going until it does not fit us anymore- if that makes sense. But we prefer eating at home – not just for price – but hubs is keto mode and has very picky needs for that

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      1. I am also not into the eating scene. In a way that is good because I don’t see the point in going to a new restaurant and it’s always packed. Much rather visit when the hype dies down.

        I’ve always thought the bench and stools were iconic in America. Just like how red checkered tablecloths are. But as you alluded to, could be a thing of the past.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. well I think some things are timeless – and booths along with the standard tables might always be around –
          and If they have standing work stations I wonder if they will have standing eating areas – maybe they already do – but I do know folks who stand and eat

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Those are very interesting places.. They are good collection and would be good for others to check them out when they visit Richmond VA. I love to go to the place where they have live music (local band etc.) playing. I think that is fun. The Jefferson Hotel seems too grand. I am sure it is a good place. I am now wondering why they change the management if the previous one has done so well (I like the idea of attempting to draw local people which I think it can be hard for such the place to begin with).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi – well you are so right about being able to draw local people as being a challenge – and in places like Orlando and LA it might matter less.
      and I don’t really know – but I was curious for a little while and check into some of it – but I think the Jefferson lost a few key people in 2015 ish – one of them being the Orchid gardener and so for a little while they did not have their stunning orchids everywhere – and this was a trademark for them – but as of last year – 2017 – the orchids are back.
      anyhow, I think they remodeled (mostly the rooms) and as part of that they claimed new management, etc.
      and I can see why it seems too grand – and it does inspire awe – but this place has a common vibe also – hard to explain

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Thanks for the tour. I haven’t been to Richmond since the 60s. We used to visit family who lived about 50 miles west of Richmond, but once there, we would visit other family member in Richmond. I was too young to appreciate many things about the city.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. well in some ways I bet the city parts have not changed – but the outskirts have – and especially the short pump area – they say it is the west end but it is kinda north – property has been going up and up since the 80s there….

      Liked by 2 people

  5. What fun places you have to eat at! Isn’t it great to discover little gems right in your backyard?
    I love the origami cranes at Trader Joe’s – my older daughter makes cranes everywhere she goes (tiny ones smaller than a seed bead).
    My favourite photo is your last one: all those folks seated on stools looking out onto the sunlit street … there’s a story right there waiting to be told!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh wow- can she really make them that small? good for her!
      and how fun.
      and I think every person needs to know how to make at least one origami – should be mandatory – ha
      also – thanks for the feedback on the closing photo.
      I almost did not end with that – so I really appreciate your feedback –
      I orginbalkly had this “hardywood cellars” art image to share – someone made a business card holder out of used bottle caps – and Hardywood Cellars is a local fav (not of ours)

      but then this photo did not seem to fit and that one did- 🙂

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      1. Older Daughter does have amazing fingers. You’re right about origami – it works hand eye coordination so well (although to this day, I still have such trouble following origami instructions!)

        Thank you for sharing your experience: it is good to know that I am not alone with regards to posts not working out quite like I planned. I start out with a plan with certain photographs in mind, a certain look and feel I’m after, but when I’m sitting down to edit and actually compose my posts, it turns out quite different.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. well some origami are easier than others and a mistake people make is to try the tough ones first – and they get lost.
          and it really is about a good crease – the right paper – and the proper folds (as I am sure your daughter knows) – and when I used to have students do these – we had a lot of joy because I started with easy ones like the fish, dog, turtle and some flowers – then with confidence students move up to trying harder ones (if they want).
          and regarding the posting –
          well the way you explained it is exactly part of the process – for me at least.
          I “loosely” plan and then let the mood lead that day. This is why I do not like to schedule too many posts – if any – but week to week I like my blog to be in sync with me at the time – I guess it is kind of why i blog – and it can get a little more layered – but all that to say I think we have a similar MO

          Liked by 1 person

        2. You’re right – we are often too ambitious when we do origami! I find it’s much easier when Older Daughter shows me how to do it, then for me to read the instructions myself. And it usually requires 3-4 tries before my forms are recognisable!

          I think our blogs are very much a reflection of ourselves, and we have to write and post as we feel led to … I completely hear you on this!

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey Y thanks for the tour – it was great! Especially loved the hotel lobby shot taken from above and I couldnt help laughing how you had to keep reminding yourself that it was a photo post 😀 Have a super weekend Y

    Liked by 3 people

  7. In European countries street music is popular. One person or a group perform on some instruments and earn a bit. I have seen that very often here. Usually the band music is really nice 🙂 Is it similar in your city ?
    Your town looks real nice especially the hotel and the library look beautiful 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Ady – yes – we have our street musicians too – but only in certain areas and I would prefer to see more.
      your local musicians sound really nice

      Liked by 2 people

      1. saxophones or accordions or guitar, sometimes drums too 😀 On sunny days with music flowing around, the folks walking , you can actually see evryone’s spirits uplifted 😀

        Liked by 2 people

    1. yeah – lots of history layered here – the big news these days relates to wanting to take down the Civil War monuments – and then they are renaming many schools – schools that were named after Confederate leaders are being renamed

      Liked by 1 person

        1. bahaaaaa
          yes- and someone just got arrested for uncovering one of the monuments –
          but on the other hand – there will always be battle sites and recreations of things going on-
          I have shared this in other places (so not to be redundant to those who have heard me say it) but there is a joke that somewhere in Richmond it is always 1862.

          Liked by 2 people

  8. I’m going to say you failed miserably on the opinion suppression Yvette but did well on your tour of Richmond. Great to see our sister hotel, the Jefferson, looking so grand!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. laughing pretty good with your comment, Tina – but if you only knew that I had about 2,000 words in me – then you would see the restraint – but lol –
      and thanks for dropping by –

      Liked by 1 person

    1. okay – the 95 south is yours – and I was recently telling Dan that the two times I was there I had the 95 North… (pastrami one) and it really felt like Jersey or NYC –
      the first time was better – they were super busy – the second time it was a cold snowy night and maybe the cooks lost some flow.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. I appreciated your commentary on the rant subjects, nearing rant and then abruptly nope, not gonna. lol I could go on a bit about those topics myself. I haven’t been out Richmond way since I was a teenager. In adulthood, I’ve spent a lot more time in southwest Virginia, where, you may be interested to know, people think Richmond is fancy 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ha – thanks for sharing that about Richmond – because we have encountered some that do think it is fancy here- like those from Danville, Framville, and even areas like Newport news.
      but then there are those that come from Northern VA and they cannot wait to scurry on back.
      For us, we have adjusted, but used to sneak off to Fairfax or Charlottesville early on and it helped.
      and glad I stopped the rant – but I feel a post brewing – especially because there has been some “Christians should not do yoga” chat floating about and I kinda wanna chime in (and rant…)
      but in the meantime I will relish in the “not a real starbucks” banter

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Haha, yes, I’ve heard that about the yoga. But then, exclusion is sometimes the name of the game — trying to set apart — why do people think that exclusion is in any way godly?
        When we lived in Nowhereish, Georgia, we went to Savannah, Charleston, Augusta — especially at first. I wonder if that’s sort of a thing people do TO adjust?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. oh that is a really good point – in order “to” have something to hard about maybe….
          and those three cities – whew – they conjure up certain emotions in me – has to do with southern and traditionalism.

          laughing at the Nowhereish, Georgia – ha
          and side note on the yoga –
          well the analogy that came to my mind was with chicken soup.
          twice – first – when I invited someone to our sunday night class – this guy freaked out and said his body would hate it and he named ailments.
          but he was not getting that gentle yoga is a gift to the body – I did not have time to explain and can only recruit so much – ugh = but when he left in my mind I feel like I offered “chicken noodle soup” – and for him – yoga would help open the body and it can also help with injury prevention. Like if a “regularly stretched” person falls off a ladder they might not break anything because they are a bit more supple.

          anyhow, when the Christian twitter guy was saying christians should not do yoga-
          I thought of the soup again –
          because he was acting like all yoga classes were rooted in eastern religion – when some of us do it without the spiritual chanting – and anything can be made religious – like folks can worship a bowl of chicken noodle soup and make it religious.
          Or they could worship elite athletes and build big sanctuaries to go and worship them weekly – oh wait! we already do that with the NFL and we fill our worship stadiums each week…. ha
          half kidding cos I do not mind the football scene in the US – but parts of it are like, “Really” – which reminds me – need to get back to your recent post (and thanks for letting me rant…. ahhh)

          Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you for the tour, Yvette. The Jefferson looks a little like one would expect from the early 1900s. I could feel comfortable there, but not if the food has gone off!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Ken, the food is still good and things are well – but it is different – if that makes any sense. Little touches are gone – hard to explain – but I think they will still do well (time will tell- and they do have a reno to pay off – so who knows)
      and you were right on with the time period:

      It opened in 1895 and in 1969, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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  11. Great pictures/post, P. Very detailed. I agree that it’s a great feeling when you come across something you never knew existed before and which happens to be in the same county/zone/territory. The art in the first pic is awesome, especially of the kid in white hair. This is very ironic: “…the US is ranked 37th in quality of healthcare and yet we are number one for bankruptcy from care costs…”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for the feedback on the art. I would have rather have taken that patio photo during the day, but was only there at night and I was not going back for photos…

      and the healthcare topic is something I might write about soon.
      But I am very grateful that the unconstitutional mandate to join a lame, profit-based sick care program (cos that is what Health care in the US is and has been – it is sick care management even though now they are trying to get people on preventative prescriptions so everyone is on some type of prescription drug).
      Of course some coverage is needed – for breaks, accidents, wellness visits, but things are out of hand and there are so many hushed stories about the disaster of Obamacare. Um, people did lose their plans, and people are worse off, and businesses had to make changes that hurt workers, and then the prices went up one year – there was this inflation surge in 2015 and 2016 –
      well many times.
      I know someone who used a creram that was 45$ and it went to 90 – when the actual price should have been under ten bucks.
      She went to an alternative source and found a creme that works better – and no chemicals as in her side effect one that was price gouged.
      Seriously, wake up America because there is conditioning going on to not see how terrible the “health care system” is – it is profit driven and only manages symptoms –
      but I digress-
      thanks for the comment and ttys

      Liked by 3 people

      1. You’re right that it is sick care management. I guess media is not aggressively following the story. Looking forward to your post. And: wonder how much will a military parade cost.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. what military parade?
          well I am all for parades if they bring honor and cultivate citizenship and unity – and when you think about it – it would be a fraction of a week’s stay in the hospital.
          For years folks have been sayign that The united States will be bankrupt from healthcare costs by 2040 if it does not make changes – and allowing price gouging has got to stop.
          In all other areas we see prices go down as tech advances, but with health care the outrageous monthly costs to consumers is not right.
          Here is a snippet from 2011 (and things have increased since then)L
          The people actually providing the care know the system is broken. It’s not “fixable” via minor policy tweaks or limiting payments to one slice of providers; the problem is systemic.

          The country is in a tizzy over public employee bargaining rights and compensation costs, but few ask this question: What is the biggest cause of public employees compensation soaring to unsustainability? Answer: The costs of providing healthcare, which are rising 6% every year across a flatlined economy, and up to 11% per year for public employees.
          The people actually providing the care know the system is broken. It’s not “fixable” via minor policy tweaks or limiting payments to one slice of providers; the problem is systemic.

          The country is in a tizzy over public employee bargaining rights and compensation costs, but few ask this question: What is the biggest cause of public employees compensation soaring to unsustainability? Answer: The costs of providing healthcare, which are rising 6% every year across a flatlined economy, and up to 11% per year for public employees.

          “The source of the problem is the “fee for service” foundation of the system.”
          I would like to add – greed gets in the way.

          Can we please look to Canada for a better system???

          Liked by 3 people

  12. I read this post and loved it days ago, but my phone isn’t behaving and so commenting didn’t work.

    Wanted to say I love Richmond. My son graduated from there last year. Go Spiders!

    Peace and Richmond

    Liked by 3 people

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