Thursday Doors (Salvage Car and Fine Art)

Happy Thursday everyone. I have some oddball salvage-doors for June 7th, 2018. 


 Saw this interesting painting earlier this week – notice the doors… and more…. 


I am not sure how I feel about the mood in this piece. Even though there are two people walking, the rest of the composition feels lifeless. Do you agree? Isn’t there a bland vibe? no curtains, no pots of flowers, no door mats, signs, etc. Well the green pulls you in and adds a splash of color, but….

Author update, M’s Thursday Door Post here reminded me that certain cultures have less items around their doors – check out her Morocco Doors post to see what I mean –link here

This post is to link up with Norm’s Thursday Doors – link here


Another update, which ties into M’s Morocco Doors – the blog by Bert and Rusha Sams have a nice post called True Moroccan style with a sense of calm… (ahhh) link here















36 thoughts on “Thursday Doors (Salvage Car and Fine Art)

  1. I love your oddball car doors! Makes a change from ordinary doors! The painting is interesting, do you know the location? It could almost be greek….


        1. Oh, right, you took its photo? I thought you found it online. It could be a good detective riddle to establish the country. The women seem to be covered in the Islamic fashion, whereas the shutters look almost Italian, or Greek.


  2. Haha! Interesting doors, indeed! I’m not a fan of the painting. Like you, I find something sad and dreary about it. In response to your cartoon, I’d have to say there is misery in this world because God gave His people moral agency to choose and way too many make very bad choices. Just my belief! I hope you’re having a wonderful week. Has your weather been as beautiful as ours just a bit south of you? 😀 ❤


  3. Interesting doors and painting. Was the smashed up car placed there as a warning to others to drive safely? I’ve seen those every once in a while by the side of the road with signs on them like “Don’t text and drive.” I’m not sure they are effective, but they sure get people’s attention (which may be counterproductive 🙂 ).


    1. Hi – I have seen those cars placed near high schools, but this one was in front of a salvage yeard across town. They have a small front lot and usually keep the area cleared (ordinances) and so I actually turned around to get out and take this photo – very inconvenient (and there was a boat too – for another post) but I knew it would be pulled inside their lot within hours –
      and that is a funny point about maybe having the smashed cars as lesson lures – as they could distract the drivers – good point.

      and I once went to a small grieving group (in 90s) with a lady’s who had two young children died (in cooler playing hide and seek) and one of the other mom’s was super upset because her teen died in a drunk driving accident and they left the car on the side of the police station for months and she said she finally had to call and say she could not drive by it again…


  4. Thank you for linking to me. I must say that I’d rather have nada in front of my door than this car ruin anywhere close to me. 😀 Not as art, not as a warning, just not! And I haven’t even been in a crash, imagine those who have… But I do like the painting. Do you know anything about it? Which country is it from?


    1. hahah
      me too, me too
      just not is a fun way to word it.

      and M-cubed, I know nothing about the painting except that the artist made it in 2007 – but it reminded me a lot of Pakistan or even Morocco (after seeing your post today)

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Very odd to put a dismantled car out on display like that in what looks like an empty lot. One of our most unique entries in recent memory. Nice find 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Norm – and it was sitting in the front lot of a wrecking yard – salvage parts place – they do not have items sit too long (codes and all) and so I turned around to stop and grab a photo before it was pulled behind the fence


    1. yes, but some of these used parts do get sold – and that front panel barely has a scratch (kidding)- and reminds me that sometimes we need the landfill – lol


    1. Hi YC – the 3-D part is because I adjusted the painting to take a picture – the two side areas are the display stand-
      and you are right- the car has a sad vibe- but I did not see that at first because it was the wrecking yard and I was almost just wondering if they squished it down to make it rectangular for transport.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The painting has a haunted feeling (to me). The walls are not the the walls of a home …or pretend facade? Thanks for visiting me:)


  7. Interesting addition to #ThursdayDoors – a first, I’d bet! I’m choosing to think everyone came out okay 🙂


    1. Hi – I am going to bet on that same outcome with you, Joey.
      I noticed that the side of the car said “Town Car” and I remember those big boat-cars from the early 1990s – so I wonder if this was compressed on purpose- or if it will be – who knows. But I like those gray seats – look like some soft, durable leather – ha

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Lots of different perspectives in your post that makes it interesting. I see symmetry in that painting; everything looks balanced and the 2 women and the shadow makes it 3 pointed shapes. Great finds!


    1. Thanks for the comment (and nice art critique – and the artist had talent – just not sure if I like the vibe) hope you have a nice day


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