Five Thousand and One (Micro Fiction)

Happy Saturday everyone.

Today I am joining in with “What Pegman Saw” at Rawson Lake in Canada. Here is the photo prompt:


Five Thousand and One (word count: 150)

Dear H,

Sorry I missed your gig

While I was hiking to Rawson Lake

It was not until the 20th mile

When I realized, with a smile, I had decompressed and revived my weary soul

Standing there

Before the water

It was THEN I felt convicted

To NOT have attended your event


Even if I have seen you perform 5,000 times

If I could zap myself back, I’d be there in an instant

Even if I ran like Superman

You’d be packing up now


I know you don’t need me by your side 24/7

Yet, I grieve –

Feel some heaviness – 

Because I love sharing life with you

As we do what we do

However, I was swayed when the hike called me today


I cannot make it to all of your events –

but I look forward to the next gig,

to make it 5,000 plus one….




  • other entree are here.









43 thoughts on “Five Thousand and One (Micro Fiction)

  1. I like the way you use the prompt as a jumping off point for a story about something completely different. And I like the story of the missed gig – and that he will make the next one, number 5001.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much – and I am just getting back from reading your delightful piece for this prompt – now I need to decide my polish color for the Upcoming week

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is wonderful. You know, we give ourselves so much pressure to be there for everything, even if it means cutting off from ourselves, or doing things for us… I’m kind of glad she went too far to get back in time. Sometimes we must.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. well the MC was a he
      and I think it could be either – not sure if it matters – do you think it does?

      but you are so right – life lesson in those words right there: so much pressure to be there for everything,
      we literally cannot


    1. 🙂
      and I know you like to hike – and actually am not
      well maybe very short hikes
      – and when I did research in this lake – – I guess this is a reasonably easy hike that can be done in a day (so I tied that Into the story) and I guess if hiked before June it is very muddy) –
      Joey – you so need to join in with What Pegman Saw – or not – cos your blog style has its own style and flow – but just think about it –

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reminds me of the song “500 miles” of which I prefer the Celtic Thunder version…. How many miles would you go to your true loves door, and all that. What an enjoyable read today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And jelli – that song sounds enjoyable – going to check it out – and side note – I did have a song in mind with one line
      – Sade’s “By Your Side”
      Not sure if you know it but check it out

      Liked by 1 person

  4. To take another tact, there is a sense of selfishness in this one. After all, the hiker continues to prefer what they what. Therefore, I sense another empty promise ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well you are correct on he selfishness part – but never an empty promise
      So let’s not project too much here (wink – but you are so wise in social things)
      And I also was thinking of Mari hatch and one of her poems about takes two whole people to make a “we”
      And then- your comment reminded me of the plum poem too – I will share it with you…
      Sometimes a union is so good – so tight – a selfish indulgence whispers of that interconnected was that is steadfast

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Here is the plum poem

      Let me know what you think

      This is Just to Say
      William Carlos Williams

      I have eaten
      the plums
      that were in
      the icebox and which
      you were probably
      for breakfast
      Forgive me
      they were delicious
      so sweet
      and so cold

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Well sort of
        It is more of that “so connected and so one that the other person would smile” and then they’d eat something else –
        Or it is so mature that instead of serving giving and all that it moves to a level of taking a bit and not ever worrying of a withdrawal deficit – where things are so sweet and tight that it can be a little about self cos that was what was needed.
        Succumbed to the plums and all was well.
        Because bigger things and core things are well and it moves into not taking but fully living


    1. Yes / all is well because self care usually leads to health and freshness and so they had a good evening together and talked and talked and hugged and all the other


      1. Lovely song, ain’t it? 😄From the moment I start reading your words, that song popped into my head.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. For a moment I thought you were here in Alberta! A great jumping off point to your creative writing. It’s hard to resist a hike like this I admit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sue – and wow – what a coincidence that I came visiting your blog while my blog went to Alberta in a post!
      Ahhh – serendipity
      and You and Dave are the outdoors team!
      Have a great day

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like a most dedicated fan, if of the 5000 he/she has only missed one gig! I understand that sense of being torn asunder by too many obligations to others. Sometimes you need to go where you want to be, instead, and take that hike!


    1. Hi – thanks for your comment dear counsellor… I mean fellow author. 😉
      And five thousand was not really literal – it was to mean so many over decades like saying “I could give a dozen reasons for….” might not be 12 but shows a lot.
      And so maybe this couple continues to share so much and I had this guy only long to be there once he reached the water and maybe then wished he could make it but the gig was ending – so he was torn later – if that makes sense and in my mind it kind of mattered – like a delayed “oh- her gig…. wish I could catch the ending ” not out of obligation either – but because they share life as they do this and that.

      Another thing I think I was trying to say is that we cannot always have all things – and we need to remember it to be encouraged.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So many comments, Y, from so many bloggers off the WPS contributing / reading / commenting grid. What more can I say? Was a pleasure to read, as always, and feel that relaxed style of yours, so at ease with yourself, even when you are writing about not being at ease.


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