#SoCS (4 Blogging Tips: Be Yourself, Allow Change, Don’t Compare, Beware of Vortex)

Hello readers, The stream of consciousness, #SoCS, topic this week is mail.  I cannot really think of any recent mail. None. I have colorful stamps on the side of the fridge – getting dusty. I still (try to) leave the mail carriers snacks – and I truly need to soon blog about Oliver, the best mail carrier in the world.

Today’s stream is leading to blogging tips.

I had the idea a few weeks ago.

And I have been sharing blog tips with folks on and off for a while (things that help me) and it is time for a post.

I narrowed it down to four tips and some questions.  I did edit a tiny bit – had to in order to trim the fat – but this actually all flowed after a SoCOS post last month and so I hope Linda and the other folks don’t mind my entry this week. 

Also, I took these photos last night and they seemed a nice fit for this post. 

So please join me with some monochrome madness and some blog tips. 🙂

Let’s break it down:


We all blog for different reasons, and your reasons might change- but always be yourself – be genuine. This might sound obvious, but subtly people might morph and try to build their blog by doing this or that – or because they overthink things they blog in a way that has a disconnect from the real self. We don’t necessarily need more of someone in “copy mode” and we sure don’t need more in “trying to impress” mode (yawn).

So how are you doing with the real you? – with your essence?

Remember that “you” are needed in the blogosphere.  You can bring “what only you can bring” from your little (or big) slice of the world. Give things time to find your unique groove – and set customized goals for what you consider success.


Humans change. Part of growth. Blogs might need change too.

This might mean times of deliberate changing to find your new groove or it might mean times of yielding to a change that came your way. You have to adapt to a “new” unfolding you.

Some bloggers don’t really change that much. They might have started a blog to write, share photography, and/or build a business – and they stay in that mode and do just fine.

However, some of us DO change.

If you are the blogger that has these changes, remember that you might gain and/or lose followers — because readers that liked your past blog mode might not be so into the new mode. But that is okay – it goes with the creative process and should not impact your doing what you need to do. And if you try to only please your readers, then you will lose “you”- and  everyone loses. 


Do not compare. When we compare with others we either feel better than or less than – and that is a terrible way of gauging individual success.

Sometimes we might need to look outward and elsewhere to get ideas or to set benchmarks (for blog goals or in other areas of life) – but too often we compare with someone else when we have completely different gift sets and different wiring – and it is wrong to do this.

Can a monkey swim like a fish? NO.

Can a fish climb like a monkey? NO.

And you will never have the same blog as someone else – so please do not compare. As humans, we have different gifts my friend.

Yet too often we are looking out at what we do not have as opposed to looking in and smiling about what we do have.


Have you ever heard of a blogging vortex?

A vortex occurs when a blogger is sucked in by the momentum of blogging but they feel burned out.

Sometimes we see folks with so much blogging momentum they reach a point where they are also a bit miserable and dissatisfied. Those are times that a blog fast is in order (maybe for thirty days to refocus, pause, and assess). Okay, not everyone will need this, but some of us do. 

It is hard to pull the plug, because we have the support system, the fun, the creativity, the connecting…. ahhhh – and it is part of our routine. 

Last year, after some assessing, I set certain days to blog. I limited challenges (which is so hard because there are some fun ones out there). It has been good for me. However, I hold my plan loosely – like I take some reward days to indulge in blogosphere. And one time, when I was set to take a planned month off, I had a really fun post unfold. That quick little post led to a blogging “aha” moment and my break was postponed.  We cannot predict when “extra special” posts will flow – they just happen, we accept  and enjoy them as gifts from God (for me they are at least).

So as we “beware of the vortex” (that can suck us in and swallow us) – we should also enjoy the gift of bloggin’ because it sure is a nice part of life. 


To keep the blogging mode in check, maybe consider these questions:

  1. “Do I need a blog break BEFORE I need a blog break?
  2. “Do I need to put the blog on hold for a short while so I can see my current habits with fresh eyes?”
  3. “Should I put the blog on hold for a long time so I can work on other things for a while?” (Is it time for that book?)
  4. “Is this a time I can indulge in making extra posts and maybe enrich the blog?
  5. “Is it time to visit other bloggers a little more?” (Always visit in ways that work for you – please know that you do NOT have to comment on every post from bloggers you love – they might not even want you to – stay genuine (avoid the obligation visits) and be genuine – and if you share simple comments like “nice post” and someone bitches that they are tired of such simple comments – then take your visits elsewhere – some of us treasure those small chime ins because they can have much value- and sure – some folks visit and leave a link to solicit – but I think I made my point – not everyone can easily spit out deep comments and so try to have grace)
  6. “Am I making time to visit old blog acquaintances?”
  7. “Am I making time to meet new bloggers?” (Meeting new bloggers might not matter that much to you – but I recently met a couple of newbies that have been a huge gift in my life. Also – I love when bloggers with huge followings still stay open to meet newbies – and make room for me when I drop by.)
  8. “Are my posts what I want them to be right now?”
  9. “Do I need to revisit and/or refresh any of my old posts?”
  10. “Am I STILL doing challenges that no longer fit me?
  11. “Do I need to join in with NEW challenges that will challenge or refresh me?”
  12. “Do I need to rethink my blog’s aim or essence?”

There sure are some awesome people in the blogosphere.  Let’s be smart about how we go about our contributing. These tips will not apply to everyone – so…

If you have any blogging tips to share, please chime in. 

How do you keep your blogging groove? What you have learned NOT to do? 

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS March 23/19

Looking for More Blogging tips: Here are a few posts to consider:

Janet’s (@ THIS, THAT AND THE OTHER THING) 2017 post (here): Welcome! Advice and tips for new bloggers.

And Janet’s 2014 post (here) Thursday Thesaurus: The Art of a Better Comment







61 thoughts on “#SoCS (4 Blogging Tips: Be Yourself, Allow Change, Don’t Compare, Beware of Vortex)

  1. Well you know I’m going to love this post! Your four blogging tips are spot on, and I say that as someone who started her first blog in 2004. As for your questions, I think that 5, 6 & 7 were the most difficult for me to understand and then find a reasonable fun way to do. It seems to me that if you and your blog aren’t balanced and evolving, then you’re never going to be a happy blogging camper. Just saying, as one who’s seen it all.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi – well seeing hat you have been blogging since 2004 – that makes sense that those particular questions were your growth areas – because if I am not mistaken – those early blog days were less ineractive – still had followed – but the ebb and flow blogosphere was not what it is now (am I right)
      And thanks for mentoring the part about having “balance and evolving” so true

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      1. The early days were different in that we each found a few bloggy friends and stuck with them, not knowing how to find anyone else. I still hear from some of those early bloggers, btw. There was a definite sense of reciprocity back then that is gone now. However, it’s easier to find new bloggy friends today via challenges and comments, so there’s a goodness in that, too.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. thanks for sharing that.
          I only know a few folks who started blogging that early – the Doobsters was one of them, Narami was too – and I think Opinionated Man calls you guys die-hard bloggers.
          Do you still have access to your old posts? (just curious)

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    1. Thanks Dan – and I know we have a private self and public self (-and how much we disclose varies from person to person) but my favorite blogs are when folks let us in a little -;)

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  2. Hi, thanks for the wonderful tips. I agree with all of the, While blogging vortex is what I have been needing time and again. May be I should keep asking the above questions again and again, so as to know my answers.

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  3. Those are good tips especially the keeping blogging mode in check items. Oh, for “allow for change”, I know what you mean and I am glad you suggestion leaves room for keeping things the way you are too. I was thinking about my case, once in a while I have to remind myself about what was the goal or intention when I first started out. That helps me keeping thing in the right path than going off astray (this at least keeps me sane 🙂 ).


    1. Thanks for the nice comment, YC – and I had to rescue this from spam-trash –
      and god you sometimes remind yourself of your original aims – also – I have said this before – but i really appreciate your visits to the ol blog here- esp because you have some really succinct feedback – like when i said I heard a male singer who sounded like Jess Glynne – you followed up with a question because you actually read what people write – and sometimes you have simple check in feedback (which is also nice) but it is so fun when you chime in with certain questions – really love ya my friend – and wishing you a great day

      Liked by 1 person

  4. good tips. I once had a person who followed me that hated when blogs change. My guess is that she doesn’t follow me any more because my blog changed… I also go into that blog vortex often…. My problem is, I always love to write and post, but the reading part starts to become a chore. I feel I can’t stop reading, because that is what it is about, right? Oh well…. Sometimes it is good to just stop, and step back… Anyway, nice post 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Trent – I think that blogging is about more than reading other posts. Of course reading is a piece of the pie – but how big that piece of the pie is can and should change.
      No names here, but a good friend of mine (M) who blogs has the goal to post daily. His posts are short and just relate to what he sees or garbs a photo of. He does not visit many blogs at all. His comments per post are between 3 and 10 and this seems to work for him. He built his blog up about five years ago and has a following – and visits blogs quarterly each year – or less (at least that is what it seems like to me from my faint observations) – and I mention him because he found what works for him. He likes to post daily and does not do challenges – and does not need a lot of comment interaction – if that makes sense.
      And then there are others that post infrequently but visit and leave feedback and seem to enjoy soaking up other posts.

      So reading is only part of it – and there is a time for it. There is also the posting (which does not always involve challenges) – and then in my mind I see another slice of the pie as “customized stuff” – like for you it is the book shares s you add to your published library (congrats by the way – on all of your books) – and there are times when social issues get discussed and so “deep humanity issues” might fill that extra pie slice for that week (like when Tina was moved by the NZ posts and she reblogged – or when Su shares environmental thoughts)

      Not sure if you follow the Little Fears blogger – but I probably should link his recent post about blogging goals and how we need to ask what is “your end game” to help you plan the mode.

      I have times when I am NOT in the mood to read other blogs and to “force” it would put me into obligation mode and then i start feeling bitchy. I might want to write “What the kind of lame still life is that?” or “Another flower pistil – enough already” – lol – and that is when I know less can be more. And I think of M, and his genuine flow – he comes around when he is in the mood to read and drop a comment – and that works for me. It is freeing.
      Also regarding reading –
      when i was in the mood recently, I was at Amy Maranto’s blog – (and I know you know here – and she is a good example of a blogger who has stayed true to initial aim of sharing her photography and has modified slightly) – and that is how I found the templetons and soanuthatch – and the reading of those three blogs was like finding an awesome new book at the bookstore. I went to a new world and came back – in the way that reading takes us.
      And so that is what works for me with reading – have no room in my life for the obligatory visits (not that you were saying that at all – I know you were just saying that you have fun posting and you have to remember to get out and do it – right?)

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      1. When I said reading is what blogging is about, I was half joking. Yeah, it is about what we want to make it about. I was surprised at how “social” it was when I first started. And so I do want to see what my on-line friends are up to. And then, I do like the challenges, so it is polite to read what others wrote for the challenges.
        I’ll admit, there is also the stats nerd side of me and I have discovered that Word Press rewards you if you participate. The number of views, likes and comments have much more to do with the amount I visit than the amount I post. This is fine, because I enjoy it, but then sometimes…
        The problem comes in that after a while keeping up with other blogs starts eating all of my free time. Or there are the times that it begins to feel like a chore – I’m not reading because -I- want to, but because the WP addiction wants me to. It is hard for me to stop, really analyze it and decide I need to slow down for a while or even take a break. I have done breaks and they are great. I should do more 🙂
        Anyway, I will most likely do a big slow down later in the spring. I just need to force myself to do it…

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      2. This is a great conversation/comment – one of those that I think could be a stand alone post. A good comparison of styles and a very interesting discussion on the role of reading. And I have to say, the part where you talk about when you don’t feel like reading – such a real experience that I’m glad you shared (and also hilarious).

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    2. You have good self-awareness – and as noted – breaks for me are crucial – yet I still have a tough time easing into a break – it can be hard to ignore comments – but bloggers “get it” and they that know when someone is busy or MIA to just roll with it

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      1. Most of the time I ease into, pretty much unplanned. First I will drop all but my very favorite blogs, or those that I have a connection with. And then, I’ll get up in the morning, do my thing, and realize only when i go to bed that I hadn’t been on WP all day….

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  5. Excellent post, Yvette and things I’ve thought about as well. My blog evolved from almost completely writing and only a few photos to mostly photos, although I still enjoy writing. For the first seven years I blogged every day, even when on vacation. I decided that when on vacation, I’d just enjoy vacation and I could blog all about it when I got back. As for commenting, I really try to comment on the posts I read and try to make it meaningful. But that can’t always happen. For me, the communication is something I enjoy and appreciate, so I try to keep it going.

    Then there’s the vortex. Phew! I like taking vacation time off from blogging. I only work two days a week, but on those days, I really don’t have much time to keep up with everyone else’s blogs. And then there’s the fact that I have plenty things to do around the house/yard. Decisions, decisions. I’d also like to visit other blogs, but I can’t follow many more as it’s again a time issue.

    There’s one issue I didn’t see brought up. Do you participate mostly in challenges (which means you should at least visit some of the other participants), do you mostly do your own thing, or do a combination?

    Happy weekend!


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    1. well I think that you gave me an idea for question #13

      13 a) If you do challenges “should you at least visit some of the other participants” –
      how many? – all? a few? I like how Linda suggests that we should visit at least “one” other contributor for #SoCOS – so realistic.
      Some are too often numbers minded and it might lead to “factory style visits” with an aim to get to them all. Could be a great thing – but it just means they chose to spend the time reading Every single entry. I guess it all comes down to time and “your end game goal” for the ol’ blog (per the Little fears blogger).

      And I like how you added this:
      13 b) Do you mostly do your own thing or do a combination or challenges?

      Because some bloggers have nothing to do with challenges and this is their mode (so thanks Janet).


    1. I am glad that you made this separate because I had so much to reply to your first comment – it gave me a chance to separate the thoughts.
      I had no idea that the don’t compare was difficult for you at times. Thanks for the vulnerability and openness with that. I have had it sneak it a few times – like when I came back to this blog after trying a year with the a to z one (oh wow that idea was fun – for a while… ha) but when I came back here it was like the plug had been pulled and I was running on old batteries. I had to do my best to not compare my former “zest” and to not compare with others who seemed to have parties going on in their comment sections. And that reminds me of how seasoned bloggers making room for newbies is very special to me – because Dan and Joey (when I first came back to priorhouse blog) well they had thriving comment sections and had that party vibe – but they made room for me – and I am so grateful. It was genuine. and I want to do that for others – but if I force it – well that could feel fake and become obligatory – so I just stay open for it as the situation presents itself.
      The last thing is – I actually thought of you when I drafted this “tips” post because I remembered your post – YEARS AGO – about how to leave insightful comments – and how not to just say “cool photo” or “good post” –
      and I would have actually added that thought (but it would have been too much of an add-on for this week’s #SoCOS) but even though I can argue that there are times to leave a generci comment and people should not get to irritated by them (unless the blogger is there to drop a link and is surface visiting) because sometimes folks do only have that little bit to say – but your post – the tone was nice and you were seriously offering some tips for folks on how to chime in with a little more originality.
      and this is something people need to learn in all areas.
      A compliment that is specific has more weight than generic comments.
      When I coached soccer I got really good at specific feedback.
      Instead of “you are a good soccer player” – I scanned for specifics, “You really use the inside of your ankle with skill” – “or when you sweep the goal you have eagle eyes on the field” –
      and the same applies to blogging –
      maybe I can link your post here

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        1. same here – but you know even with all that said – there are many times when all i have to offer is something like “I really enjoyed your writing” or “such a cool photo” – and I am a person who can find words when I need to – but sometimes that is all I want or have – and I think it has made me come to realize that it is not always a sign of a lame comment – it is a person wanting to chime in and leave more than a like but not a bunch of details – hmmmm


        2. Those are both fine, Yvette. I’ve done the same. But there are times when I’ve seen people giving the same comment to every post that they comment on. I see that less now, but I used to see it more often. “Great post” becomes nothing if used constantly. Sometimes I even just leave a smiley face because I liked the post or it made me smile but I don’t have anything else to say about it. But I try not to do that too often.

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        3. It was not that July 2017 one – (here) but whoa – where was i when you shared that little gem???

          and tips #9 and #10 are my fav :
          9. What do you enjoy doing? That’s what your blog should focus on. Make your blog your own and others will enjoy it.

          10. Most of all, treat others as you’d like to be treated and as the rules, written or unwritten, of blogging dictate.


        4. Thanks, Yvette. I’m glad to know you enjoyed it even at this later date. You touched on tip number nine in your post too. That’s really what makes a blog personal and shows the blogger’s personality.

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  6. Excellent tips, completely agree with all of them. I’ve been blogging (this version anyway) for nearly five years and mine has changed and grown in that time. Definitely don’t get hung up on stats would be another key one for me.

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    1. Tara – THANK YOU for the stats one – I am going to call that tip 5: Ignore the stats (unless you are here for hit for a business or something like that – but then that could even skew the approach)


  7. Hi Yvette, A thought-provoking post, thanks. I think it is good to step back and take a break. Also, to assess where your work is going and what you want out of the experience. I don’t participate in challenges anymore, although I enjoy seeing blogger’s entries. For me, they are the antithesis of my personal creative “flow” – I really don’t enjoy having to hunt for photos, I’d rather it be organic and come from a spark within myself. 😊

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    1. Thanks for chiming in – and i did recently notice that you “did NOT” do challenges – and now I know why.
      and I like how you worded this:

      “It is good to step back and take a break.
      Also, to assess where your work is going
      and what you want out of the experience”

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  8. Often I feel as obligation to visit everyone’s who likes and comments on my blogs but for blogging to remain enjoyable, it isn’t always feasible. A heartfelt comment for me is better than 100 likes!! I think we also need to revive or blog as we change and grow. And that is okay.Within blogging we have the luxury of addressing many rationales.

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    1. Hi Amanda – one of my favorite things about you is how you ask meaningful questions.
      I think it is a talent (or gift) but you always seem to ask questions that generate convo (as opposed to the yes or no kind).
      Thanks for the comment too
      and I liked this:

      “One heartfelt comment for me is better than 100 likes”


      1. Thank you for saying that, Yvette. It is nice to know my questions are taken in the manner they are asked. If I generate conversation then I have achieved exactly what I hoped for. Thanks for your frankness, kindness and thoughtfulness.

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  9. Yvette your tips are great. I do feel “pressure” to visit all the blogs I follow, but let myself off the hook a few years ago by not feeling guilty if I can only “like” and not comment on a post. It became too time consuming to comment on everything I read, which then led to my not reading blogs because I felt bad just liking them. I got over that-many of the bloggers I follow know I have been there and know I have read if I “like” it. I do always answer any comment left on my blog- I feel if someone takes that extra time to comment I want to respond. Blogging is what sparked my interest in photography, so my blog has evolved into more photos, but I still try to find the time to write too. One of the wonderful things about blogging is that I am able to share my true self, through written words, that perhaps I would not share so openly in conversation. Bottom line it has allowed me an outlet and the opportunity to connect with people all over the world, and learn so much. ❤

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    1. Hi Lisa – thanks for the nice comment.
      It was nice to read your experience – and how you balance photography and writing – 🙂

      My favorite comment (on my blog) from you was when you chimed in (years ago) on the “What People do for Money” song – I think it was your sister who was in the video??

      Your current “blog visiting pattern” is what I was getting at when I noted that we should not feel obligated to read and comment all the time.
      Some people visit irregularly and it feels natural and nice (and then for others might visit a lot more and that feels natural and nice cos it fits their mode)

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  10. Great tips to grow and learn from. Each season of blogging we learn about the joys and responsibilities of sharing with folks from the interaction we have with them. One of the things we have learned is it is a process not an event and with that process comes peace and joy and growth. Thanks Priorhouse!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks for chiming in, my sweet road-tripping friends.
      And one of my favorite aspect about your blogging MO is that you guys are not afraid to take a break. Short, medium, or long – you just take them and don’t apologize- and then you come back and have freshness and just do what you guys do.


      and will note this part of your feedback (well said)

      blogging “is a process not an event and with that process comes peace and joy and growth.”

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  11. A very thought provoking post and as always, thanks for the advice and tips.
    I have to say the social side of blogging took me by surprise, as did the amount of time I spend on the reader – Neither are bad things, just unexpected pleasures. I do think you have to be careful it doesn’t take over your life though (I can understand people burning out).

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    1. Thanks for the feedback – and loved the part about how you were surprised by the time that can get spent on the reader – same here.
      Because there is some good sh- I mean good stuff out here in blogosphere – I still get amazed at the creativity and quality of shares – and how enriching it is and how it feeds my creativity and quality! Ugh
      And so I guess the key is we stay in tune with our needs – monitor so we stay well – and then sometimes – we just need to go to the pub! Ha – or just indulge and live – but also take care of life and other important matters


  12. Love this post. I started with the photo blog to “dip my toe ” into the idea of having a photography website. That has not happened yet after 6 years but other great things have.
    I truly enjoy meeting people from around the world and the continuous learning is wonderful.

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    1. Thanks for sharing your experience – and six years is a nice steady history my friend – I like how you post your single photo each (I think that is your pace?)
      Thanks for also mentioning the global connecting- yes – friends around the world is a perk for me too

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  13. Thank you for this. It took me a few days to sit down with this post and I’m glad it did. Some of your replies are pretty great stand-alone tip posts on their own. I remember when I first visited your site – a whole month or so ago 🙂 – I told my husband that it felt personable, and I really liked that. And I am a newbie, and you’ve welcomed me and are truly generous with your time. I’ve always appreciated that. And now I read your philosophy on blogging and it’s neat to see how you put your heart and beliefs into very genuine action. ‘And you will never have the same blog as someone else – so please do not compare. As humans, we have different gifts my friend’ – that’s particularly nice. It’s funny to me that I came into this whole endeavor thinking it was pretty simple – write and post. But I’m finding there are a lot of subtleties that can make or break your experience and, by default, your blog. I especially felt drawn to your ideas on change and those special, spontaneous posts that sometime come along. I already see the importance of this. I’ve already eliminated a “What’s Next” tab. I realized that I had a lot of ideas I wanted to write about, but having a list like that felt a little stifling and didn’t let me flow organically, which I feel in more “me”. I also enjoy challenges – I love seeing how other people interpret the theme. But I first went on this epic search and wrote down days/dates and had every intention of participating in every single one. But that didn’t allow for that organic flow, either, so now I look at them and see if it feels like a good fit for something I want to say and if I can do it and still stay true to what I’m trying to do. I can see the vortex issue coming into play in the future, and I can see the value of asking those questions periodically – so thank you for planting those seeds early on. And thank you for showing me how to do this blog thing right! Finally, I feel very flattered and quite blown away to see you mention my site in the way that you did. That’s very special. And I thank you very much for that, too.

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    1. Thanks for your rich comment – maybe we can both back here next year this time and see what has changed and what is the same?
      And as noted before – finding your blog was my gift – and I saw you (I think) on Amy maranto’s photo journal blog – song wit Stuart – and your blog name is what had me curious
      I read it as “Son of a Nut” – and then “hatch”
      My mind still sometimes see that but I know it is
      So A Nuthatch

      And thanks for sharing your unfolding experience for others to possibly glean from. Blogging has so many perks – but as a social place we run into the same up and down social dynamics as any other people exchange –

      My favorite thing you said was about being organic and having the plan but letting it flow. Reminds me of MIKE & KIM. They were the ones that introduced us to Sean McConnell – they came to Richmond to hopefully see him while they were here – but they did not buy tickets ahead of time because they wanted to wing it and be available for conversating and hanging out – and when it unfolded to go (we paid a little extra for at the door tickets) but it was exactly what you mentioned – there are times to “be” and to sit back and let life unfold and come at us (and then maybe other times to plan and get a little rigid – maybe… )


      1. There was this TV show back in the day – Empty Nest (?) – this one character thought he was rico suave bc he worked for a cruise company or something and wanted an equally cool personalized tag. He wanted ‘sea lover’ but it was too long, so he went with ‘c lover’. Of course it came out ‘clover’ and everyone teased him the whole show. Anyway, I think my name has suffered a similar fate. It’s actually short for my site title Squeak of a Nuthatch, but I felt that was too long for an email and I didn’t know that my email name showed up everywhere… eh… rookie mistake, right? lol. I love your anecdote about winging it and staying organic. Right on. I read Stuart’s comment about the social aspect, too. I would say I thought it was more ‘wordalizing’ – we all write and post and read and learn and comment – but I am surprised by how much you can also learn about the personalities behind those writings. I guess like you said, people are willing to disclose differing levels of themselves, but I, too, tend to prefer the ones that let us in a little! So thanks for letting us in!

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    1. Thanks BB – and while we are on this topic of blog presence and behavior – I first want to say that I have seen you evolve – ever so slightly – always your high-quality photography – and hand-selecting the challenges you join – to adding the humor side directly with fri-follies but have had added in with various photographic captures.
      To the current mode of adding some songs to certain posts – which is a creative endeavor that is done so well – the songs are not just thrown in – (as we have chatted about before)
      I do sometimes wish you have more comments on some of your photos – but you prefer to present them and if readers ask questions or point out something then you elaborate – I know that can be an artsy thing to do…
      Oh and lastly – it was the month of March three years ago when I first reached out to you about using that awesome rooster photo (for a post when my dog Cody passed away) so thanks again for that – and I am for we grateful to you and Mahesh for the support when I was in the sting of shock and grief


      1. Thanks Yvette. I too appreciate our connection. I am amazed that I have 640 or so people following my blog but most posts have around 35 views. I am sorta glad I don’t have too many comments, I spend lots of time looking at blogs and I comment when something appeals.
        I am enjoying putting music now as music is another part of me. 😀❤


        1. well I would not put too much thought into those “35 views” = that doe snot count for future views – like how I found your amazing feather pics – and I am not sure it is even accurate because of the reader – the email viewers especially – even if half opened a post to skim the pics – there would be hundreds.
          and that reminds me – I do feel like you blog for you and not for numbers. ((Well I sense that with many bloggers – they are our here with their creative output – and you know how I wrote that blogs that try to impress me bring a yawn – well i have been thinking about that and I think we all want to impress a little. That is why we give our best. That is why I might edit a photo and give it a border. That is why you share some of your wonderful flowers or insects – etc. – so I think I meant the bloggers who were trying to impress for the wrong reasons and all that) anyhow, you really seem to have an open hand with results and that flows into your posts.


        2. I don’t care for numbers. I do put stuff out for me and to share my world with others. I like how I have so many people who comment from overseas with amazement at what I find the usual stuff I see all the time. That gives me pleasure. I am sure the algorithms used by WP aren’t all that accurate anyways. I must admit that I am addicted to photo challenges 😂😂😂


        3. Good to admit the addiction – and now roll with it and enjoy – ha
          and I just dismiss the number crunching when that sneaks into my blogging. I once had a blogger say something to me about “sharing with your people” – and I did not get it. Well she did not have a lot of blog visitors – partly because she just posted and did not take the time to visit (and that is how people get to know us – we stop by and say hi – and do not need to do it every post – and likely should not – ha – and we should not do the obligatory visits -) but she was kind of snooty – but I think I know what she means. I had some interaction going – which took time to build – and sometimes when i see other bloggers having those “party comments” – I see more of maybe what she was seeing with me. Either way – I know “priorhouse is not for everyone” and never will be. I also am not sure what lies in store for this coming year with the blog. A change is underway and I am trying to hone in. Thanks for coming back to reply – appreciate it


        4. I can understand the sharing with your people thing. I have small number of people who regularly like and comment on my posts, you are included, who I call my blog family.


  14. These are all great tips. I think #1 is so important. I see so many blogs that say “how to spend 3 days in Bangkok.” Instead of this, I’d rather a person write about their 3 days in Bangkok. What they felt, what they saw, who they met. I think it can take a little while to find the blogging/writing voice but by being yourself you get there faster.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot for the comment – and mentioning the part about finding the voice is really good – so true that it is a process too – and by the way – I feel like you have a signature style with your posts


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