Friday Food: Mango Salsa, Bone Broth, Drinks, ART IN A CART

Happy Friday readers. 

Time for another installment of Friday Food. 

1) Son-one’s leftover dragon fruit (this felt a little artsy sitting there like that – and for some reason – just like this photo…)
2) Son-two tried the “misfits box” and it was pretty good. However, he said he’d prefer to go to the local framer’s market and is not buying anymore. But the contents were VERY good.
3) My favorite item this month – “SAM’S Mango Salsa” (with pineapple tomato  and hint of cilantro, ginger, and onion) – and had this serving with pork rinds – but can also eat it right out of the container – so good. 



4) Homemade bone broth. See that gel? That is life force stuff right there. Making Bone Broth is easy: Save all your bones – and toss them into the Insta-pot – add some veggies if you want – set timer for two hours – and voila! Healing liquid with collagen, which costs pennies a serving… And add some sea salt for more goodness. ALSO – you end up with an item that was NOT stored in plastic – NO fillers added – NO preservatives -NO added flavors… In my very humble opinion – I would say consider FORGETTING the flu shot (it has mercury and that is never good for the human body)- and instead – get off sugar (I know it is hard, but you can do it) – get some Thompson’s Vitamin C Powder – and then make your own BONE BROTH! – Add bone broth to your winter regime because it will give nutrients to the body – and it is a strong immune system that KEEPS the flu away – so fortify your terrain!

5) I do not recall taking this photo a while back. However, I share it here because I feel I need to speak out for red meat – well sometimes I want to advocate for it. I feel that red meat has been wrongly attacked over the years and it has so many life-giving properties.

A While back, I met a friend for beverages – the non-alcoholic kind:

6) Coffee (too strong – but wanted to try this new coffee shop)
7) Kombucha (Dave’s GT’s Kombucha is always perfect – and full of life-giving enzymes)

At the coffee shop – they had art for sale – had to grab a photo:

8) Art at the Cafe: The two on the upper left would go nice together – eh? Not the best photo, but good enough…..

Down the way from the coffee shop, there was this JUNK store.

Had to look inside the CART WITH ART:

9) ART IN A CART: A small part of me felt sad to see people’s art, tossed in a cart, and selling for $2.00. But then I realized it could be worse – they could have been tossed to the landfill or “painted over” – lol. And most of the art was from someone with the name “E Thornton” or “E.T.”

Here is a slideshow of a few pieces: 

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I almost reblogged some posts last month – did not get to – and so thought I would share two today: 

1) Street Photography from blogger Equinoxio21  – his Travellers post has some of his awesome street photos (including “Misha the bear, having a honey beer on the Boulevard Saint-Michel” and this post also has some of Jean-Baptiste Pellerin‘s photos in his #BACKTOTHESTREET series. Cool stuff. 

2) Short post about Bethlehem Steel Corporation, 1857 – 2003, over at Once upon a time… — Drops of Everything: Several US Naval ships have been built with steel from Bethlehem, also several bridges: Golden Gate, George Washington together with famous buildings: Madison Square Garden, Chrysler Building, Rockefeller, Waldorf Astoria, World Trade Center. The plant is now an open-air museum. Nowadays calm is around, but during the visit one has to think about all the hard work accomplished here during nearly 150 years.”

Also… Saw these cool chairs at a McDonald’s in Florida’s panhandle (we did not eat there – we were getting gasoline and walked through it to get to Luv’s – or something like that). 

10) ARTSY CHAIRS  Linked to Pull up a Seat #45


Have to end this post with some comics:

Now over to you?

  • Do you have a favorite photo from today’s post? Do you have a Friday Food post? if so – feel free to join the fun. 
  • Have you ever tried the “misfits delivery box” or a different type of food “box delivery” service?
  • And how do you feel about seeing the ART IN A CART? How do you feel to see someone’s work on sale for $2.00 (with no additional discounts…) hmmmmm


Credit: bytes blog 🙂

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63 thoughts on “Friday Food: Mango Salsa, Bone Broth, Drinks, ART IN A CART

    1. That is exactly what we thought when we walked through – ??? But you can see the M in the photo – and I did get in line for a coffee – because sometimes I do love their java – but they were so slowwwwwww
      anyhow, wishing you a great weekend Xingfu Mama 🙂

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  1. I advocate for red meat all the time, even if I don’t partake more than once a weekish. 😉 I shacked up some chorizo with prime rib for a beauty blend. Big C note in my culinary playbook.

    Bone broth is an Mmmm life force alright!

    And mango salsa is my religion, so thank you for reading my mind.

    Imma hit the sack since it’s much too late for me to be raiding the fridge.

    Great post, Yvette.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. same here amigo – off to bed and not eating yet! and you know I think of you with the Cubano – and now perhaps the mango salsa (although I might fight you for it because I like it that much – ha)

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      1. I noticed I missed the reviews. Sorry about that, but Imma read up anyways.

        Fight me for the mango salsa? Why not just make enough for two? 🙂


    1. I am not sure of all the health benefits of bone broth – but I do know it has collagen – trace minerals – lots of vitamins and then the comfort of a warm Liquid if sipping it hot


  2. I’ve heard of bone broth, but to my knowledge never had any or known anyone who has made it. Interesting to know about, so thanks.


    1. Hi ally – bone broth is so different and wegman’s sells a few kinds – and when we make it at home – it comes out different every time – makes it fun I guess – and sometimes I add hot water to mine to lighten it a bit. And sometimes I add huge pieces of chicken thigh meat …

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  3. Love both the cartoons Yvette. My favorite pics were the glossy-looking contents of the misfit box (a new concept to me, although in our grocery store, we have tables with bins of “ugly produce” which is still good, it just may be bruised a little or speckled (like bananas). Thought of you today – once again we are warned about romaine lettuce grown in Salinas, California (e-coli outbreak/food poisoning).


    1. Ugh! Another outbreak? Another reminder to keep rinsing (or better yet soaking in water for a few minutes) our greens!
      And it was fun to see my son explore the misfit box ((but even more exciting to see your grown kids eat healthy food – woo

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      1. They are saying not to eat any romaine of any type (bagged or stalks) unless you know for sure it is NOT from Salinas, California. I wouldn’t eat any romaine lettuce at all and have not since the first outbreak. The news said there was another outbreak just before Thanksgiving last year as well. That is funny about your son and the misfit box – you probably said to him that he rebelled when he had to eat veggies that YOU prepared.

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        1. You’re welcome – not worth taking a choice. Maybe if you eat a lot of salad, hydroponics are the answer, but you have to have room for it and the grow lights. I was tempted to go this route and buy this Aerogarden, but I was reluctant to do so – at that time, it was not available at stores around here and I did not want to order it online and have issues with it. It is bad enough we deal with the Hep A outbreak and food contamination due to employees (one over the weekend spitting on celery sticks and videotaped by another employee – SMH), but to worry about these constant food recalls. Last week it was Breakstone Cottage Cheese with plastic pieces – that is the only type of cottage cheese I use as it is 30% lower sodium – luckily mine did not have that code or expiration date. Here is Aerogarden:


        2. wow about the cottage cheese – and glad yours was fine. We are mostly dairy free – just unfolded that way and hubs and I feel awesome because of it. Although we did have Trader Joe’s kirschvasser Swiss fondue cheese last night and it was amazing – and my hubs has really good part blocks that he buys – but getting off all dairy made me feel amazing.
          and I am not into the aerogarden but did like learning about it – so thx!
          oh and another reason I like “grass-fed beef” is because we get the benefits of the greens that way – in contrast to corn fed cows –

          Liked by 1 person

        3. There are always pointers from you – I do hear going dairy-free is better for you, but how do you get your calcium Yvette, via supplements? Interesting, I never thought about the “grass-fed beef” and the benefits. I need to think more out of the box.


        4. well I am learning too – as I have said before – hah
          and to be very honest – I am a slow learner and need a boot in the head. I am very stubborn at times and need proof. Oh I can such a skeptic.
          anyhow, years ago I read that it was a myth that you get calcium from dairy.
          I believe that is true now too – and the real benefits from milk can be the enzymes and life-giving colostrum (which I suggest buying for immune boosting support) – but all of that is gone when we pasteurize dairy.
          I just watched “milk money” on Netflix (new series called Rotten and they are the best documentaries I have ever seen) – anyhow, they talked about how small farms are becoming a thing of the past – only the large guys are able to stay in business – and a few small farms make their money from ‘raw milk” sales.
          the only thing is that – as you know – it is dangerous if the raw milk is not handled properly.
          So for mass production and getting tons of milk out there – and where the milk goes into a dozen containers by the time it reaches your fridge (which is YUCKY processing to me – even if kept clean – that is a lot of containers and a lot of transit) – and so if possible – and if legal in your state – I would suggest find a farm that has excellent cleanliness and get raw milks that way – well just for educational purposes something to consider.
          On the show Milk Money – they also had a family featured who had a son who almost died from the raw milk that was tainted with e-coli- and so of course that mom is against the sale of raw milk (and they received a settlement from the lawsuit) then they had a mom with a premie baby – now one – who was string and thriving from the raw milk they bought weekly.

          \so there is the thing.
          milk is meant to make a baby cow grow quick.
          milk is a food.
          if you body can handle it – and it doe snot wreak havoc in your gut – if you have the many enzymes it requires to breakdown (esp if drinking the processed pasteurized crap) and if it not packing on the pounds – and causing inflammation – then I would say someone could enjoy it.
          however, so many people are sick and they do not see the sugar, carbs, and DAIRY connection.
          Dairy causes a lot of inflammation and mucous issues in the human body.

          sorry for such a long reply (but that is “us” – isn’t it my dear Linda)
          and to get to the other part of your question – yes! I absolutely take supplements. Remember I was healing from an intestinal infection and so I HAD to experiment.
          My favorite supplements that I am on right now are from Logos nutritoronals and it is a wellness protocol I take. I resisted the “kit” because it felt like too much to take
          and I am a big advocate of “get your nutrients from food.” But before I can rely on food (and the poor nutrients in food these days makes that really hard for most people – per Dr. Martelli, a neuro researcher and good friend of mine) and so supplements (quality ones and change as needed) are KEY to health.
          I LOVE Costco’s award winning calcium and magnesium mineral blend. People just have to take enough of them – and then need even more if they have chiropractic work or are healing.
          I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jarrow’s B-right vitamin for energy and adrenal support and just all things wellness.
          and COD LIVER OIL is a must
          also suggest folks take glandular 9which I get from my Logos kit – in the thyme formula)

          and for a while – I took life-flow magnesium chloride flakes under the tongue and on the skin (let some of the flakes liquify in a dish and apply to skin – so awesome) and then I took Trader Joe’s calcium (with D and zinc in it)

          in closing, there are some crappy supplements out there.
          but they can heal (see the work of Dr. Hoffer in the 50s -)
          and we might need to experiment – give things time – and give our body time

          okay – thanks again for your comment – because I LOVE talking all things health

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        5. Very interesting things that you told me about milk Yvette, and we have a dairy near where I live. The farm and operation are about 25 miles away, but they have the big trucks come and transfer the milk to huge metal cyclinders inside this building. They then make ice cream here and sell in cones/sundaes and you can buy all their dairy products up front in the small store. People actually come for miles to buy their New England-style eggnog which is so thick you can stand your spoon in it and it is delicious. I don’t buy it anymore – just too much fat/calories, and usually just get a custard-style carton at the store and nurse it over a week or so – this year I skipped doing that. Anyway, Calder’s Dairy is known all around for not only the egg nog, but their skim milk, which tastes like whole, their strawberry and chocolate milk, but the place is old and very dirty. They leave the doors open all the time – I hate that and won’t patronize a place that does that … flies and their germs. In fact, I worked in a diner for five years. Our manager was adamant that during a delivery, an employee should stand by the side door and watch for flies getting in as there was no door to block off the side door from the diner. Now under new ownership (many times over since the owner was murdered in 1977), I will go by and the front door is wide open, no screen – I shudder when I see it. It is a popular breakfast and sandwich place now – people must not mind.

          I have taken cod-liver pills for years (Carlson’s) and when I was young, my mom would order a large bottle (as in a gallon size) of cod liver malt, which was just awful and it had the consistency of honey. I got a spoonful every morning with my breakfast. (Yes, we both are a little long-winded – no problem with that.)

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        6. Thanks for sharing that – and it is so dangerous to leave the door ajar! Reminds me that we have such great health practices in place (thank goodness) but some places really drop the ball.

          and thanks again for coming back – and looking forward to our next chat about food – or walking – or talking – hahahah

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        7. We have lots in common – I’m a bit of a germaphobe so I do some Vitamin C supplements in Winter too, but just got a lot of clementines last week, so drop the Vitamin C to just a few times a week while I munch clementines. I can’t believe the time … I was working on a post for tomorrow and lost track of time as I left work later than usual.

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    1. Hi Norah – well my husband used to make it stove top and it took 48 hours! Made the house smell good and then terrible the second day! It is the “insta pot” that makes it super easy! Two hours and done! And different every time – deprogrammed on the bones used and veggies added – we recently made some with large bones bought from farmers market – but other times all letiver bones go in a freezer
      Container and make batches when we need them! I add hot water to mine if too strong …. anyhow – hope you get a chance to make some – if not – wegman’s sells a few kinds

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  4. I agree with you about the dragon fruit photo – beautiful. And the mango salsa sounds delicious! I enjoyed the joke about alphabet soup. 😂


  5. Another lovely Friday Food post! I love how colorful the veggies are they remind me of fall colors. And mango salsa with pork rinds sounds delicious. I never thought of combining the two. Our next goal is to get an instant pot and I want to start making my own bone broth. Thanks for the recipe. I have only gotten the pre-made stuff and I think it will be way better homemade. I was not much of a meat eater for a long time, but my partner is thankfully and I have started eating more meat and now after reading Dr. Brogan’s book and reading your posts I feel encouraged to continue eating meat and cutting the sugar out. I do love Kombucha. They make some locally here. They also have something called Jun Culture which is like Kombucha, but made from honey. Hope you are having a lovely weekend!

    ❤ Alana


    1. Hi – thanks for your comment! Prok rinds have rescued me for when I want a chip – because I literally cannot eat crackers and most chips.
      And I have found that eating meat is so satisfying to where is fills you – sustains you and nourishes – it also reduces cravings – or can.
      But I smiled to read your comment because I am just sharing what worked for me – and thankfully I had a lot of wonderful people mention tidbits here and there (kind of like you do about all kinds of stuff)
      also – not sure if you heard about the latest documentary that is out called The Game Changer. It advocates for vegan/vegetarianism by making the poor argument (lie) that gladiators were vegan! No way to possibly know. A lot of people have written about the lack of science behind the claims made in this movie – ugh!
      and Dr. Angela at Clueless Doctors blog (here) – shared a recent post:

      Any Truth to the Story?

      Nope, not one bit of truth to any of what was in the film.

      So Were The Gladiators Vegetarian/Vegan?

      “It is not possible to demonstrate that the gladiators didn’t eat meat. Even in modern nutrition science there is quite a bit of discussion about the presumed benefits of plants chock full of antinutrients, such as lectins, phytates, and a host of others, which block animal protein absorption, prevent nutrient absorption and, if not enough meat is consumed, protein (or its consumption records) may be depleted(1)(2). Therefore, we cannot tell if the gladiators ate or didn’t eat meat–some certainly ate fish and most drank milk. This excludes veganism 100%.

      Having a movie made–which I must admit is amazingly done by non-other than James Cameron, an Academy Award winning filmmaker, known for movies like The Titanic and Avatar–on false premises is a major oops.

      Will the majority of people know about the false premise? Nope. Will they inquire about the premise? Nope. They will believe because it is in a film! Right?


      So why can’t we beat the vegans to it? Because to make a film of success, we must focus on how it looks and feels and not what it says or how true what it says is. The entire vegan movement is based on lies and look at the number of followers.”


    1. Hi YC – actually – it was not that good at all – and I don’t think it was too fresh – I will never go to that place again –


  6. Looks like a good week for food 🙂
    I will have my alphabet soup a la comic sans — fat, happy pasta!
    In terms of art in cart — last trip to Goodwill, a woman had found three of Rockwell’s four seasons prints, matted and framed. Several of us helped her hunt down Spring so her collection would be complete 🙂 For a total of $12! What a find!


    1. oh wow – thanks for sharing that – and cannot believe you found spring!
      the best thing is that someone got them who will value them!
      – and your story reminds me of a time I had norman Rockwell hanging the art room. He is not an artist that comes a lot for elementary art, but I was in the mood and hung about 25 colored prints of his work around the ceiling edge (up high and just for the end of the school year) – so during an art show – at the end of the event – someone’s grandfather talked to me about Rockwell for quite a while – we paused as others came and went – and I will never see him again – don’t think I caught his name – but it was a most beautiful chat – all centered around Rockwell

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  7. Fantastic photos, Yvette. We don’t get those purple peppers over here, although I wish we did! I could do a purple vegetable curry – now that would be interesting to try out! 🙂


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