APPRECIATION -Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #78 – Special Spot Shots


This week,

Ann-Christine invited us to share “Special Spot Shots” for this week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #78

We took a yin yoga class (long stretches) on New Year’s Day and near the end of class, the instructor (Leo) had some words of wisdom about appreciating what we have.

Something like this:

Let’s appreciate each breath we get to take. 

Remember to appreciate air, water, food. 

Be thankful to take classes with like-minded friends.

Appreciate access to culture.  

Appreciate access to spiritual teachings.


Appreciate cultural experiences at the VMFA (Richmond, VA)




 Appreciate “special spot shots” that help you relax. 


Appreciate local art museums when we can sometimes interview artists. This is Tim Mitchell at the Glen Allen Cultural Arts Center in 2018.
Appreciate water.
Appreciate food. These mini eclairs used to be one of my favorite treats at an art show or wedding. Have you had these? – MMMmmm – even better when half frozen. I do not eat this kind of food anymore, but If I did want to have a plateful (or two platefuls – ha) – I would take one capsule of activated charcoal to combat the sugar. 
Appreciate access to spiritual teachings of my choice.
Appreciate culture.


Here is Leo’s list once again:

“Appreciate each breath. Appreciate air, water, food. Be grateful for like-minded friends. Appreciate access to culture and spiritual teachings.”





CARE TO JOIN in with the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – or need more info?  Use these links:

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52 thoughts on “APPRECIATION -Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #78 – Special Spot Shots

      1. I can perfectly understand why they would be 🙂 I haven’t given them up yet 😀
        A nice day to you too, Y (I’m heading to bed, it’s getting late over here, but my contribution to the LA challenge is about to be posted too). BTW, I’ll keep in mind the email change.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Here is a note of appreciation to a gem of a blog friend, Yvette, with her wonderful photos and words of wisdom, even when they are taken from her yoga instructor 🙂 The mini eclairs do look good! I haven’t had one in ages….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How can we all NOT appreciate the eclairs??? Im impressed you all went to yoga…I keep intending to start…one of these days. Love all of our fellow bloggers too….feeling rich beyond belief right now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Pam – I like the “rich beyond belief” line…
      And it helps to remember again and again and again the gifts we have… and yes – we managed to all make it to a yoga class but does not always happen! And in the car on drive home – we all agreed his words at the end were amazing – and maybe they felt even more impactful coming after a class of stretching and relaxing – the head space was in a different place –

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You area gem Yvette 🙂 Those eclairs have never been on my list as they aren’t really food are they. I appreciate all I have now as it could have all been gone. Yay to the bloggers who keep me going

    Liked by 1 person

    1. BB – I think of you every day – and ugh – keep seeing more about the devastation Happening in Australia Right now – 🙏☀️💜
      And thanks for being a gem in my blogosphere too –

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks! I love that we all inspire each other, and even more when whatever consciousness has several of us on the same vibe 🙂


  4. Appreciation of the things we take for granted is HOW we find beauty.

    I totally nodded my head in “nom-nom” agreement with a half frozen eclair being the best way to go. It really is!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers to the half frozen part -and I like that you made “how” all caps because there is a lesson there – we need to learn how to go and get it

      Liked by 1 person

  5. As I’ve said something similar recently, you know I agree. I especially like that passage from Romans. I love making blogging friends and sometimes even getting to meet them in person. Happy Sunday!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Janet – you write about contentment stuff like this all the time – and your recent posts actually inspired my January light squares post more than this one — because this post here was really taking Leo’s words – and it was just presenting his ideas – like I do not use the word “culture” the way he does – but for this post I used it the way he referenced it – if that Makes sense…

      But after reading your comment I see that your words of wisdom and heartfelt personal sharing was definitely stirring around my cognition and likely your ideas were unconsciously more in the January squares post that came out after this one…
      so thanks for inspiring

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Well said and glad to connect with you via blogosphere – cheers to 2020 and what it has in store – and may we all
      Find blog balance so it doesn’t drain us – but allows us to give and receive as needed 🙏😊


  6. A thoughtful and great post about all the good things we have and should appreciate to the full! Including eclairs and our blogging friends! It is so good to have each other, supporting through good and bad times. This community is made of good and loving people – so grateful for having landed amongst you all. ♥


  7. Yes, you are correct to start our still-new year off in the right direction, appreciating the good things in life, among them the wonderful friends we have met in the blogging community.


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