January Light Squares: Lamps and “Lighten Up” for Good Health

Hello readers, for Becky’s January Light challenge, I have images for the week. 

This post features “lamp light” beaming through pretty materials. 

Click on the image to see a larger version

How is this for a square with light – see the actual square?



One of my goals for 2020 is to share some health tips and bio hacks in various blog posts.

So, for the second week of January Lights, the health tip is to remember to have a lighter mood with your attitude – because it is good for you. 

L I G H T E N     U P

  1. Try to not take things “too” seriously. You can still have a serious side, and should, but you know what I mean about the dangers of being “too serious” – Because an overly serious demeanor (all the time) can suck the life out of you and will pull from your health. 
  2. Watch out for assumptions. You might be wrong. 
  3. There is an old saying, “Blessed is the person who is not easily offended” – We all need to learn what this means more and more.  — Don’t take abuse – ever – but sometimes an offense was less about you and needs a little grace in return. People that get offended all the time sometimes have deeper issues that they haven’t worked through. Lighten up…. 
  4. Try to keep an open hand, rather than a closed fist, with your shit, I mean stuff, um, I mean possessions. 
  5. Laugh more. Allow humor into your life and just see how easy it is to laugh every day – sometimes even laughing “a lot” every day. It really is amazing.
  6. Monitor what you read and what shows you watch because garbage in equals garbage out. And if you are watching “heavy content” or raunchy shows all the time – this will impact your affect. You might think you can turn things off – like a light switch – but what you “feed on” in the mind goes into your essence and being!  Your mental diet integrates with your feelings, thoughts, and moods. So, while we lighten up with attitude – some may need to get more serious about what is allowed into their mind. It does matter. Be careful. 
  7. Change your thinking about what you expect. Are you disappointed because you were conditioned to expect certain things at certain times? Are you comparing? Are you looking back? Are you struggling with demandingness? Are you an uptight jerk when it comes to…..?
  8. Pray and ask God to help you be all you can be. He knows you because he made you. He knows the number of hairs on your head and He has really good things in store. He can help you get free from heaviness and an over serious approach. So freeing. 


Closing Video 

As we all remember to “lighten up” – I thought of this Jim Gaffigan snippet.

Gaffigan briefly mentioned how some people “expect” so much for their birthday – such a quick mention and he is spot on. I am all for celebrating a birthday – but some people are imbalanced and immature with what they demand and expect.

I also chose this video because one of the laughs we had earlier today was when my spouse reminded me of Gaffigan’s bathrobe joke. I was mentioning that I finally have a bathrobe I love (not all robes are created equal and it took a while to find one that was what I wanted/needed) and he said Gaffigan’s line: “How about we make a coat out of a towel?” 



Hope you have a great week. 











48 thoughts on “January Light Squares: Lamps and “Lighten Up” for Good Health

  1. I love every single vignette you provide here.

    From the “Victorian style” disco ball to meeting disagreement with an open hand to the belief that praying matters (even if you’re grievously lapsed like yours truly). To Jim Gaffigan, who I love.

    Love this post Yvette.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Ok – so this comment was in the trash bin! So not cool. Anyhow – I rescued it and had to come back and say your sweetness here brought a few smiles my way!
      Thanks for the detailed feedback amigo!
      Appreciate it a lot

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Terrific photos & advice! We do need to pick our battles in life and then laugh at the rest. I totally agree that not all bathrobes are created equal…I’m still trying to find “the one.”

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Best wishes on finding the right bathrobe – last time I had a robe I really loved was 1999s.
      And strangely enough – I have a second one I also like a lot – it is a summer one that is long and in the style of a kimono – but my winter one this year is just ideal – whew – and wishing you a great week ahead

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes – you are so right – especially this time of year when some folks are coming off the high of the holidays and might feel the crash —


    1. Thanks dan – and I know most of it is basic stuff that many of us already have learned for the most part… but a goal I have this year is to share tidbits of wisdom when I can… because that is how I learned so much over the years – gleaned here and there ((especially from Chuck swindoll’s daily radio show when I commuted in early 90s))
      So just prlutrinf it out there just in case

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      1. Even if it is stuff we’ve heard before, it’s good to know that other people, people I respect, still think it’s valid stuff. Times change, but not everything changes.


  3. Those are excellent tips, Yvette, and lovely lamps. It’s easy to laugh, but let’s try to laugh at things that aren’t at the expense of other people. I completely agree with being careful what you read and see, seeing even more than reading. Once you see something, it can’t be unseen. There are shows the glamorize bad or evil things or even if they aren’t glamorized, they’re dwelt on, discussed, showcased. Some things shouldn’t be thought about or at least not at any length.

    As for being offended, oh, my! People are so easily offended these days, which means it’s difficult to have any sort of meaningful discussion or get anything accomplished. As for “assume”, you know what they say about it: It makes an “ass” of “u” and “me.” 🙂


    Liked by 3 people

    1. thanks Janet – for taking the time to share your feedback – and I love the three words we fine in a some – because that says a lot.
      also wanted to piggyback on the part about not laughing at others expense. Oh man is this the worse kind of humor – the put down spirit and the jokes that send little digs. And quite often this kind of humor is done by people who are either careless and desensitized – or are hurt and they need to hurt back – or they have a self-esteem issue and need to put others down to raise their own sense of self. Well; either way – I am glad you mentioned that because we need to teach this in grade school – to not have jokes be at the expense of other people. And to not have the put down sarcasm that seems surface-is but tears others down. Let’s edify and build up.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Really great reminders–and I am a fan of Jim Gaffigan–very funny! I also enjoy your lamp shade pictures. When we went to Fremont nearby in Washington for my birthday, there was a beautiful glass studio and the artist himself showed us how he made glass lampshades in different patterns and colors that would change color when they were lit up. They were amazing! Cheers!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. those lampshades do sound amazing – and something extra nice about having the artist show you as well…sounds like a nice part of a spacial birthday trip – and glass art seems to be really “in” these days

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  5. It’s a beautiful post and a great reminder. A sentence that always comes to my mind is ‘lightness of being’ I try to feel light, almost free to fly. Sometimes is easier, I keep trying!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. You are shedding light and throwing out wisdom the first of the new year – I love Tiffany lights and stained glass … such a beautiful way to catch the artificial light or rays of sunshine.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We had some ugly weather so I was productive in the house (poor house only gets attention when it is crummy). You are welcome – I have found things in SPAM which are not in the least bit SPAMMY. Go figure?!


        1. Hi. yes – I have learned to check the trash and the spam – but I still often forget –
          and glad you were able to get caught up on some house stuff….

          Liked by 1 person

  7. The stand up was great!
    Robes are tricky for me, too. I have one that was my MIL’s and it’s essentially a floor-length mumu on me but I give no figs, because modesty is what it’s for. Visiting youth in my house do not need to wake up and see me half-dressed, the hair is scary enough. It’s white with pink cabbage roses all over it.
    I had a fleece robe when I was pregnant, wore it to threadbare. Robes are handy for nursing, so I basically lived in it. It was creamy ivory with pink and purple flowers, fairly old lady and hideous, but I loved it.
    In college, I had a shorty robe, navy with some brand label on the lapel, maybe RL. Someone stole it years later, from my home, during a party. Stole it. Stole my robe. That was creepy.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh wow – a token robe from a party – and crazy how people will take different things. In 1987, I had someone steal my diamond ring from the bathroom – but it was fine because I was getting ready to give it back to my then boyfriend.
      but a bathrobe – that is downright dirty shame.

      thanks for sharing about your robes…
      this might make a future what to wear Wednesday post –
      but in the meantime – my current fav robe gets points fro modesty because we also have folks coming and going.
      and I am glad you mentioned that. My current rob also has sleeves that are long – but not hanging open to catch on things – they are tailored – and so the arms are huge for me.
      and smiling at the pink cabbage roses because that is truly what a cozy robe should have…. ahhhhh


  8. Yvette, A fun challenge, since, some form of light is everywhere. I don’t see Tiffany lamps as often as I used to see them. We do have one hanging Tiffany lamp we took with us from past homes. It hangs above our kitchen table. I see what you mean about the “square.” Interesting observation.

    I like your witty segue to a “lighter mood.” A few points that resonated with me: “assumptions” – I am a fan of “The four agreements.” Yet, I always need a reminder.

    “Garbage in equals garbage out” – good one!

    “….really good things in store.” – the word that continues to surface for me is “trust” and this last point falls into this category for me.

    Jim Gaffigan has always been a favourite of mine. Great post, Yvette! Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi there Erica/Erika – now that you mention it – I do not see Tiffany lamps as much as I used to years ago. These were at a museum…
      I almost bought a Tiffany-inspired lamp for our dining room a few years back – but we went with a different style. But I bet your lamp adds beauty all the time – which is what those lmpas/shades seem to do…
      you made a great point about how we all need reminders… eh? Part of the human condition.
      and cheers to our trusting more.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Light is a great theme for this time year, literally as in seeing clearly, figuratively as in knowing yourself well enough to not take offense. Good ideas here. Happy New Year!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Ally Bean – that is a good point about how “knowing yourself well enough” often connects to what helps us not take things so personal. Even thought of course there are times when we do take something personal and have times when it is okay to do so – but some people are too defensive and always getting offended – or they can be way too serious

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    1. Hi Tammy – and yes – take any weight to God in prayer and the verse that cake to mind when I read that was about “putting on a garment of praise to cast off a spirit of heaviness” – works for me 😊☀️🌴🌴🌴

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