Consider Tea & a Smile (#Squareup Day 15)

Hello Readers.

Linking up with Su’s virtual tea party  and Trent’s weekly smile for today’s Square Up.

Last month, we unexpectedly were able to visit my niece. She is an awesome young woman. We had dinner and tea — then she showed us her HUGE tea assortment (a picture for another time).

Today, I wanted to share her favorite mug, which was a recent purchase and it is a cup that lifts her up when she has her tea (The “Chip” tea cup from Beauty and the Beast):


Here is a snippet to see Chip in action 

Another thing for today’s virtual tea party – the differences with how we experience our tea.

First, we have the person who wraps the string around the handle:

Did you ever notice how some folks wrap their strings from the teabag around their cups? I know some of you use loose leaf tea, but it is fun to see how diverse we all are. 

Next – there is black tea with heavy milk:

Some days strong, black tea with heavy milk is just what is called for.

A little snack with your tea?

Offering some key lime cheesecake for today’s virtual tea party: 

This is from last summer – and it reminds me of a special memory. Three of us had a bite and then my mother finished it off. This was special because it was really hot that day and we were doing too much (ha….).  The fat in the real whipped cream and citrus and creamy flavors were extra appreciated and gave her fortification. You know how it is – like drinking a cold bevagre after walking in the desert and eating Saltine crackers – this key lime treat helped her beat the heat!

Closing with what made me really smile this week. My niece is reading my 2017 book, Conversate (here).

Tips for talking with teens

My niece ordered two of my books while we were there visiting (so cool). Tonight she said she was enjoying Conversate and sent me this picture (I forgot I dedicated Conversate to her brother – who passed away in 2017 — and this was a wave of emotion for us both). 

My niece is reading my book, Converste, and she sent me this photo of the dedication page.

Now here is the top smile of the week – what lifted me up.

You see, the Conversate (2017) book (which has tips for parenting teens) was my least favorite book out of my three completed projects. It has a good amount of reads on Kindle (yeah, baby) – and a few paperback sales –  I like it just fine, but sometimes wished I had “added this” or “did that.” You know how it is.

However, after she sent me the note and photo, I grabbed one of the proof copies of Conversate and skimmed. I liked this final version so much more than I thought.

I hope this does not sound puffed up – it is more just being proud of your work. I still want to do a Part 2 or a different type of “Tips for Teens” book – but in the meantime, I smile to celebrate.

Next, here is a poem that stood out. It was created to remind parents to not let “things” and “buying stuff” replace love and time with their children. The poem was inspired by a lady in a blue Mercedes who seemed depressed. We were in traffic for a little while and each time I saw her (as the cars stopped, passed, stopped, etc.) she emitted sadness. That was what started this poem.

Fancy Car

Our teen drove 

a pale blue Mercedes

Sitting in the driver’s seat





Car didn’t meet

her needs

Blank stare 

sat there

Sylvia Plath kind of feel

hands on the wheel


pale blue

like the color of her car

like a dimmed star


Why didn’t I see 

what she really needed 

was a relationship with me?

I handed her expensive keys

But what she wanted was free

I could not see 

how much she needed me.

Prior, Conversate (2017) page 157

Thanks for joining me for today’s virtual tea, which included the Conversate book share. Later in spring 2021 I will run a promotion on the Conversate book for those that have teens and want a few tips.













60 thoughts on “Consider Tea & a Smile (#Squareup Day 15)

  1. I love the Chip Tea cup, so adorable!! Love that movie too. And this was a great smile post, books to be read! Great job! And sorry about your nephew, the dedication was so sweet. ❤️ And I loved the poem at the end. I Love Tea with cream (non dairy) and have always drank tea this way. Unless it’s green tea or flavored, then just a little sugar added is fine. It’s almost Friday! Can’t wait for the weekend. 🤠❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers to the weekend and thanks for sharing how you take your tea! And wondering what non-dairy you choose
      And the Chip teacup also reminded me how the little things in life keep us fully alive and smiling – like you enjoyed your Star Wars stuff! The little things that make life fun

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Definitely an uplifting post today, Yvette. I love the cup and the Disney clip. There’s always a smile in those Disney classics. And you are rightly proud of your books. We can always look back and think maybe a tweak, or an inclusion…but it has to get to print sometime. Wishing you a great weekend! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jo –
      And part of what was missing had to do with my personal shares – I felt very professional as I wrote – which is all good – and I still wrestle with some of those vulnerable really
      Personal shares – and when it comes time – maybe those will make it into the part 2 – in the meantime – that was more of my “counselor hat” and “educator’s learned lessons” fro working with families and teens – but later I want to share what worked for us and how we learned and approached things – maybe some day – eh?
      And thanks for the really sweet note here – appreciate it

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautifully doen. Most thought-provoking poem. We saw Beauty and the Beast at Christmas, otherwise I wouldn’t have got the Chip reference without your clip


  4. tea time with your niece sounds nice. Sometimes, when I use a tea bag, I do wrap it, though maybe not that much, just to keep it from slipping into the tea. It is very cool revisit and old work and discover you like it, isn’t it? i sometimes do that with the music I wrote back in my “classical music” days. I’ll occasionally hear something pop up on my iTunes and check to see who composed the piece of music and be surprised that it was me. Glad you like your book after a reread. i do like some of my older writing, but kind of hate my first book and am often tempted to pull it off of Amazon. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Trent – that is fun about your music and also reminds me how we do forget some of what we create! And very cool for you to not recognize and admire your past creations 🎶🎶
      And with your book – I would not pull it – because as you know – it is part of who you were then and has that essence and starting out status – and I have heard many authors talk about the normal progression – as you always know as well –
      And I did write a few other finished books – a reaching out cookbook in 2005 and a “sunshine and shadows” book that went to press but fizzled out because it was cooked from the start and happened for the wrong reasons (long story to share another time) but I still have three three proof copies in a box! It might never unfold to more – but it might – and even if it does not it maybe led to having more success with the current ones

      Have a great day and looking forward to Little Dorrit

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve stopped collecting mugs for my cafe because I reminded myself I am not a collector any longer. My last mug was an Edgar Allen Poe quotes mug. My favorite mug is my red Strawberry Fields NYC mug, which I only use on Sunday mornings.

    Key lime cheesecake . . yes. Please.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi sorryless – oh I loved the way you said you had to remind yourself that you are not a collector anymore
      It takes time to adjust into a new mode – eh?
      And my suggestion is to grab some photos of your mugs because you might wish you did later on!
      The Sunday morning mug sounds like a great way to enjoy a Sunday morning ((and also shows something fun about you – these little things we do spice up life – and that just is cool to have a Sunday mug – even though wouod expect your Sunday mug to have the Dolphins or something like that (I could always loan you our old Bills mug with squish the fish in it – hahah – kidding)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Not anymore. I loved the time, but hey . . we move on.

        I love that Strawberry Fields mug and Sunday morning felt like the right kind of way to sip my cafe from it.

        Yanno what? I don’t even have a Dolphins mug. But I somehow have a Steelers mug! How is that even possible!


        Liked by 1 person

  6. A lovely post, Yvette. As for tea: it has to be strong black, with just a splash of milk. No sweetening, and for God’s sake take out the teabag first!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahah – thanks for the English manners tio on the teabag!
      I do take mine out all the time – well lost if the time – but the person I grabbed the photo of – let’s the bag sit in there – s☕️ (And likely they also yell “woo hoo” at concerts with a howl (oh us Americans – hahaha just kididng)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! If you buy a tea in Starbucks here it comes with the string attached, but most places don’t do it, and the ones we buy for home consumption usually come in boxes or packets without strings – that’s what teaspoons are for. I just don’t like the idea of the wet, mushy bag crashing into my teeth while I’m drinking.

        I may have mentioned that about American audiences before…😉

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I love cheesecake and key lime sounds delicious, so thanks. I’m having tea right now, but no additions, just tea. 🙂 What a wonderful feeling to find your niece reading and enjoying your book and good job on the poem as well. What I remember about the girls learning to drive was that my husband taught them which, since I was homeschooling them, I thought only a fair division of labor. 🙂 He had them doing only right turns for some time because that’s much easier than trying to make a left turn through a busy intersection and they both drive well, although the older one has a bit of a lead foot! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for sharing about the driving tips
      And she sent me via text the info that she was reading the book and I still need to find out why she is unable to access one of books – sigh – and hope your Sunday is going well


  8. What a moving poem, Yvette. I totally agree that kids want connection more than simply buying them things. The tea is a great idea. Yes, I’d like a cup of English Breakfast and a slice of that pie, please!!😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Norah – I have not tried that one from celestial
      Seasonings brand but it sounds so good- my neiece sent me home with a box of their raspberry tea because she ordered a
      Case of it and had so many! I accepted it thinking my hubs would enjoy it ( he likes the celestial seasoning fruit sampler variety pack when he occasionally has tea) but it turns out I have had a few cups and it was a nice change of pace ☕️☕️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  9. What a great post, Yvette. I love, love, love the poem, and the fact that you pushed your book just a tiny bit. The post made me hungry for sweets which I have given up for a while. 🙂


        1. Well you know – not my phrase and “nothing new under the sun”
          But the first time I really remember hearing the phrase was when I was part of a specious small group with some
          Women when we lived in San Jose – very brief time and met with this ladies about eight times – and one of the meetings had a lesson about “detours and delays as God Appointments” and the second part was finding little themes and ways that God might talk to us or send us little messages – and one lady – think it was Vanessa L. – shared about a woman who found these dimes – and at times when she felt God was connecting with her. I still think if it when I see a dime on the ground –
          Thanks for coming back – and seeing the niece was crazy cool because did not realize she was even in that area !


        2. It ‘s amazing how things come full circle and how our past experiences impact us so greatly.

          Thank you for sharing about your small group and about how God could speak to us – I think that is a challenge we face no matter who & where we are; the desire to hear God’s voice & struggling to know when He speaks.


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