Seen Better Days (Lens-Artists’ Photo Challenge #168: 10-2-2021)

Hello Readers, the Lens-artist theme is “Seen Better Days

This old building, south of downtown Richmond, is going to be torn down soon (new condos going up). In this photo, I liked how the lines from the wires, fence, sidewalk, and street add to the weathering vibe of the structure.


This next image shows an old paint can that has seen better days. I think there is a slight reflection of the sky and trees in the image on the left.  This paint can sits outside of a door at this building and people used to use it to prop the door open so it did not auto lock. Last week I happened to be near that door (first time since 2018) and smiled to see the can was still there and because Tina posted her theme early, I thought it would be perfect for “seen better days”



This next image shows a fork in the road (not like the usual way we think of a fork in the road). 

And – is there a bit of a tree reflection there as well?


Many of us have seen better days and for those at a life pivot point – or for anyone strategizing for the future – I liked this six-element plan from Mac Anderson’s book, “You Can’t Send a Duck to Eagle School” (the title reminded me of the analogy about how a monkey should NOT try to swim like a fish and how our unique wiring varies and so we cannot and should not compare).

Anyhow, the little book has tips for leaders – and for anyone that wants to plan life and lead their days with more effectiveness (where less can often be more and where some focused planning can help). The plan is called a “one-page plan” with VMV, OSP: Vision, Mission, Values – and then Objectives, Strategies, and Priorities.

Speaking of planning, I just set up my calendar for next year.  I still keep a paper calendar on the side of the fridge.  Years ago, this kitchen calendar was an important planning tool – but now it is just a weekly reminder of the days left on the month or maybe some birthdays to remember. Even if not a major tool anymore, I still like the calendar in that spot and getting my 2022 one set up provided a comforting feeling. 

Speaking of calendar years, on an overnight hike earlier this year, the hubs and I had dehydrated meals (they are usually so good but the ones we prefer were not easy to find the year).  On the packs we settled on, we looked at the “Best By” date and guess what it was?

It was “Best By 2050”


That led to a little discussion about what the world might be like at that time – and if we’d even be around – and would some of these food packs be in someone’s garage – where they toss them in 2051?


What do you think 2050 will be like?

Oh and Leya, I wonder if Dagny will still be around and blogging – with her serious longevity (go to Leya’s blog here to read about blogger Dagny, who is over 100!)


Closing with a photo from a short hike we took that had shoe malfunction.

We took a somewhat short hike and so it shoes were not planned for tough terrain My faithful Adidas sneakers lost a tiny piece on the left toe (tossed them after the hike because their better days were done) The real potential setback came when my spouse’s earth runner sandal lost the copper piece (I think they were still under warranty and if not – the replacement strap was 12$). We don’t blame the quality of the Earth Runner shoe – because the terrain was a rocky/tree-branch area that caused the top to get pulled back more than a few times.  Anyhow, we laughed when my blue hair scrunchy provided a nice temporary fix.


Thanks for joining me today and thanks to Tina for hosting 

 LAPC hosts: Patti,  Leya,  Amy 









48 thoughts on “Seen Better Days (Lens-Artists’ Photo Challenge #168: 10-2-2021)

    1. Hi Robbie – you never know what ideas will
      Come your way – it sometimes takes just being in the moment and I bet you would come up with some clever solutions if need arose

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Fun pictures and stories, Yvette. I think you’ve missed a trick with the shoes, though: in the US’ litigious culture, surely there should be a multi-billion dollar lawsuit on the way?


    1. Oh my goodness we are so litigious and recently someone called us the “over” culture
      Over priced
      Over worked
      Over billed
      Over law suited
      Over medicated
      Over respecting other people’s choices

      And more

      But with that – still finding the good and grateful

      Liked by 1 person

      1. From a British perspective I think some of those are unfair, but not all. The one that is missing, for me, is overcharged for healthcare. To the rest of the world, your system of commercial involvement is crazy and unfair. Oh, and I could also add over armed – why? Who needs an automatic weapon to go grocery shopping? But, as you say, plenty to be grateful for, too 😊


    1. Hello dear fRank – I will check emails tomorrow and get back with you and thanks so much for the nice commment today


  2. Love this post and your paper calendar for 2022. I also like your words that better days are coming. Great thoughts on best by expiration date, too.


    1. Ruth – thanks so very much
      It was a little comforting prepping the calendar for next year – still far enough away to reach goals I have set but close enough to bring a smile

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your blue hair scrunchy worked it’s charm! Fortunately you had one! I also had a shoe malfunction on a hike once. Somehow the sole came loose from the shoe and I had no scrunchy with me!😂🤣 The fork in the road is a great find!


    1. Well I am wondering how you made it with a shoe problem without a scrunchy to help or something else? Man’s the Fuji thing is my hair is somewhat short (growing it out) and barely have a one tail but can put it up if it gets super hot – and I actually had TWO hair ties with me – lol
      Every hike is incomplete without them (jk)


  4. Old abandoned buildings fascinate me. Like old books, all those stories that remain inside the walls long after it’s been left behind.


  5. Some great finds this week Yvette but that paint can and the “fork in the road” are stellar!! I laughed out loud at the fork find


    1. Thanks Tina
      I feel like I have seen spoons out on a road or sidewalk but that was my first fork (that was not plastic)
      Fun theme ☀️


  6. love these pics in with the rust buckets against the brick Yvette.. very cool.
    Another fork in the road with the calendar year. I rather love the non schedule!!! 💖💖💖❣️🌷


    1. Your future images from Richmond have me so curious – there is so much old and new here – but lots of old and great for black and white (and e-mail me when this trip might happen so we can meet for tea ☕️
      Thanks for the feedback on the old paint can! I was surprised it was still there and has a special vibe because of my connection to that door from years ago
      Have a nice day

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Good response to the lens artists challenge. As for where will I be in 2050. Not here I think. And I am training myself to live in the present so no further speculations about 2050!


  8. Oh, how I love your post – again. A fork in the road – a good smile! And 2050? Well, maybe Dagny will be around…somehow, someway. She is such an amazing woman. I know for sure though, that i will not be around…Love the calendar thoughts, I am the same. And, I always make one for my daughter, she loves it the” papery” way!


  9. Abandoned buildings do make for interesting shots don’t they? In my blog post last week, I was walking along to the marina and the old Ecorse Rowing Club building was there. There were shattered windows with jagged glass and some graffiti. I stopped to take photos but the fence around it would have made a bad shot, so I didn’t take it – last week they razed this historic building. Everyone on the local Facebook page was complaining they took it down and why? They probably hadn’t seen it in years since it was in its heyday and the rowers practiced their skills in the off-season. The expiration date of 2050 is just plain scary – it’s like the story of the science teacher who preserved a McDonald’s hamburger for decades, as did someone who preserved a Twinkie for decades. Your ace-in-the-hole scrunchie to the rescue … your pooch has no issues with his paws I hope. Shows you how rough-and-tough a dog’s paws can be.


  10. Love the captures of the old paint can and twisted fork in the road. Very astute observations and interpretations. Sometimes you look at weathered things on the street that have stood the test of time, and you wonder how they got to their current state, still standing. Love it that you set up your 2022 calendar early. I normally set up my 2022 diaries around this time of the year and for me there’s always a sense of excitement planning of the year ahead.


  11. hahaha. I love the fork in the road! Lets see. l will be 85 in 2050. Not sure what is will look like, but I sure have lots to do be for that time. Donna

    Cute post.


  12. I like that building in the first photo. I realize it can’t be repurposed, but it’s a little sad to see those arched doorways get destroyed. The other photos are good also. Maybe you could open that food up and add it to Thanksgiving dinner in 2050 :-0


  13. Such a nostalgic post, P. That old building, the can, the fork – the last two reflecting nature. Wow. You have captured them the way they are and the little story about the can and how it was used to prop the door open; I mean, if we didn’t know how it was so usefully used we wouldn’t give it a thought, would we. And ‘best by 2050’ takes us into a scary, unpredictable, and exciting future.


  14. I have to be honest…I’m sort of afraid what the world will be like in 2050!! I still use a paper calendar. I have one in my office. keeps me on the straight and narrow 🙂


  15. 2050 expiry date?! Oh, I wonder what additives that put in the package. I hope chocolate not MSG. I have worn footwear such as your husband when I “walk” to a hermitage up in the mountain. I did fine. But I killed my toe when I returned to town dropping a heavy load on it. Lost my toe nails. I hardly wear runners and decided to invest in boots for all seasons. Worth it.

    I’m still into paper and calendars. I like to write notes and appointments. I buy calendars for the beautiful pictures that I look at daily.

    As for the book, finally, I’m over to becoming a leader. My motto used to be “we’re not saving babies” at work. Now, my daily reminder posted on my door is ” what’s important? Right now?”

    Keep on walking and look for the has been. They served their purposes already.


  16. Amazing response to this challenge. The paint can is brilliant and the fork in the road. I cannot imagine what next year will be like let alone 2050! Living one day at a time 😀


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