Odds & Ends (06MARCH2022 Lens-Artist’s Photo Challenge)

Hello readers, this week’s Lens-Artist theme is to share photos that fit into the category of “odds and ends” 


Spring is in the air with the beautiful Cherry blossoms at a local library. 

You also know spring is in the air when you see classic YELLOW Peeps on the ground… at night (ha). 




I took this next photo for the “down light” theme last month…. so it is a leftover enriching the odds and ends


Now here is my husband through a frame made from chewing gum?!#?

I hardly ever chew gum, but recently we enjoyed some “Pur” chewing gum (all natural and no sugar) and look, it makes a little frame?!


Speaking of gum, John Holton (here) shares a lot of old commercials on his blog and last month he featured gum – we then chatted about different gums and wow – – there sure were some odd (and fun) gums over the years – like fruit stripes.

I think Big Red used to be a favorite -and I vaguely recall when in the late 1980s they came out with the .25 cent packs. In middle school I chewed “Pal” gum and in hindsight – sure wish I never chewed sugar gum. 

What about you? – did you (or do you) have a favorite type of gum?


Moving on….

At our local museum last week, we saw this Magnasco painting from 1710 and thought it was a little odd.  It is titled, “The Peep Show in an Inn”

At the end of our museum visit, I captured some nice verticals:


Now we have this odd (and cute) little handmade art:

Of course I thought of Clive because his blog is titled “take it easy” and so this is a nice idea to wind down this post. – – – – Sure, we need to hustle to reach goals and put forth effort to make things happen – but we also need to remember to “take life easy” because if we only “push hard” we could miss out on the wonder.  If we plow through each day we could miss out on life’s beauty and the enjoyment in the everyday things. So let’s lighten up – Don’t let anyone rob your joy  – and remember to smile, because it is good for you – it sends a message to the brain that things are well and then that can lift the mood and help “bring in the easy.”  🙂 


Care to join in with this week?  Go to https://travelsandtrifles.wordpress.com

Hope you all have a nice Sunday. 


PS  A Priorhouse short story was featured over at Marsha’s “Always Write” blog for the Y2 Story Chat. 

HERE is the link if you want to check out the story and maybe join us for some chat.

The priorhouse post for the short story is HEREgo here to read about Y2 Story Chat, and last month’s story (here) was Handle with Caution by KL Caley











55 thoughts on “Odds & Ends (06MARCH2022 Lens-Artist’s Photo Challenge)

  1. I love these photos, Yvette, especially the chewing gum frame. I’ve never really understood why people chew it, though I occasionally did in my youth. All that effort chewing the stuff and you can’t even eat it, and it’s a real pain when it sticks to the soles of your shoes! Many thanks for the link, and you make a great point with your closing message 😊


    1. Hi Clive, the note about how gum sticks to shoes really brought me back – it seems like a long time ago I did see more gum on the ground and oh my goodness – stepping on gum in the summer was annoying – but did you notice it is less now?
      and I think some folks have a need to chew if they are nutrient deficient or if they have certain parasites – seriously – this is just a random side note – but folks with low iron (anemia) might chew ice and then don’t chew it anymore when their own levels are high – some folks crave biting chalk if they are low on minerals like calcium and magnesium etc –
      and a while back I did a lot of research on parasites in pets and humans – and everyone has various parasites but some folks get unique ones in their gut – or they get a “parasite burden” that is out of whack and this can lead to teeth gaining at night and to the need to graze on food, crunch, or chew…. The work of Hulda Clark was very insightful for some of that – and the flip side is that folks in too sterile environment might benefit from “helminth” therapy but that is a different rabbit trail. So my point (ha) is I think some folks chew gum because of those things – and maybe some even get relief for their jaw and ear-nose-throat area – because I know some naturopaths that have jaw exercises and mouth movements that can alleviate ear pressure and stimulate the face to assist in wellness.
      Okay – enough on that – and cheers to “taking it easy” to destress and fully stay alive…

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      1. Hi Yvette. Now that you mention it there does seem to be less of it. I wonder if that means consumption is lower or people are finding less anti-social ways to dispose of it?

        Those studies have given me a lot to think about! I hadn’t had the first thought that people might chew it for reasons like those – it puts a whole new complexion on it, doesn’t it. I’ll be more forgiving in future – as long as it isn’t someone chewing noisily with their mouth open. That is one of my pet hates!

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        1. Hi Clive – I know exactly what you mean about those who chew it with bad manners! A few folks from college days come to mind – the smacking from some and a few that were into blowing bubbles! Lol!

          And I used to be in a lot of “health and healing” groups years ago and very informal but learn so much – and there were many testimonies from people who did parasite cleanses – and then their teeth grinding ceased!

          Anyhow – the problems with gum relates to the heavy sugar that rots teeth or the chemical fake sweeteners that can cause tumors (no matter what folks say – aspartame is not okay)
          And so the “Pur” gun was as natural as it comes right now but still not going to be a daily chewer –
          And now I need to “take it on the run” and check out the rest of your “Running” songs


        2. Oh that song didn’t need to be – it was a solid post without it and hey – we do have to limit how many songs are added so you chose well in the ones that did make the cut!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. HI Yvette, an interesting post with lovely pictures. I did chew gum a little bit when I first left school, but it was never a bit thing for me. Nice to see Clive’s blog mentioned at the end.


    1. Hi Robbie, thanks for the comment and your mention school reminds me that gum might be more popular during school days… and it sure can be bad for those with certain dental work…


    1. Hi Derrick – that comment was col because I like how you connected the “peep” theme and I didn’t realize there is a little theme here with the art and marshmallow peeps – hahaha

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  3. Lots of fun choices this week Yvette – the image of your husband through the gum is a hoot – what ON EARTH possessed you to take that photo?!?!? Cracked me up! And the peep show was just plain creepy! As for Fruit Stripe gum – Yipes, stripes, Beech Nut’s got ’em – now I’ll have that darned ear worm in my head all day long!!!!


    1. Hi Tina! Thanks for the question.
      And what started me to disgusting take the gum from my mouth and stretch it into a frame! Lol
      Well we arrived at the museum at shoot hour and didn’t plan on having a drink – but the whole night was a kind of winging in and so we sat down to enjoy a quick and light beverage – I took my gum out to dispose of it in a tissue and then I noticed it didn’t stick to my hand – like some gums of the past did

      Then I remembered “gum art” from years ago (I even have a blog post about gum art someplace in the archives) and so while realizing the gum was not at all sticky and quite a modern marvel (gum has come a long way over the years) well when it stretched it made those holes – and looking across at the love of my life made me want to grab a photo or two (also – I don’t have tons of photos of him and so lately decided to grab a few of him when I can….

      On a different day I made a heart with stretched out gum – but that was it – playing with gum is now over for me!

      And sorry about the ear worm – John Holton’s posts do that to me a lot!
      Hope you Have a great rest of your day, Tina

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  4. You’ve been busy Yvette!!
    Don’t eat your husband up while looking at him-:) 😱
    Love the cherry trees.. mine are blossoming and it’s so gorgeous but short lived-:)💕

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    1. Hi Cindy! I bet your blossoms are looking amazing – and I loved one of your recent videos where you showed your beautiful garden area! Wow – California beauty!

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      1. 3 out of 4 are thriving! Thanks Yvette!!! I saw something you wrote and then it was pod gone. Sorry I missed it!!! Thanks tho for your nice comment!!💕❤️


    1. Hi VJ
      – I was in a playful mood and it was a fun “chill” kind of night at the museum!
      Hope your month is off to a nice start and be over to visit soon for some VJ essence

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    1. Hi Patti – the down light setting caught my eye because I thought the stone work looked like faux stones and was kind of poorly done – hm – but the light made an X and the photo had a nice vibe – but the stonework was odd in a way -….

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  5. I especially like the crewelwork and the message … “take life easy” which is something we need to do, especially in these turbulent times – sometimes easier said than done. I remember the Fruit Stripe gum from back in the day. Each stick was a different striped color, but I don’t think it was too flavorful after about five minutes. I do remember some flavorful gum and there were three varieties by the same company: Black Jack (licorice flavor that turned your tongue black); Teaberry (a refreshing but indescribable taste) and Clove (a little on the strong side). Those were my go-to gums. Sometimes Chickelets were a favorite too. All were NOT sugarless. I used to give up something for Lent every year and never eat/do that again, even when Lent was over. So I gave up gum many years ago – have never had a piece since.


    1. Hi Linda. thanks for sharing about that Black Jack gum – never heard of it and sounds interesting –
      also, the part about it losing flavor after five minutes reminded me that is what my husband said about the “PUR” come – he called it the 30-second gum? And I remember chicklets and how they came in a box (that could be used like a little castanet or shaker) ha

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Those three gum flavors were big in the 60s and you can still get them at old-time candy stores, even online. When I was a kid I was not allowed candy, just at holidays like Easter, Halloween and Christmas and doled out sparingly. My parents didn’t want me having cavities. So a big treat for me was my mom having a Chiclet and her handing me one too. Yes, they sounded like castanets and there were “Mini Chiclets” too – you had to eat half the package to have a worthwhile taste.

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    1. Hi Sylvia – thanks so much – it was a special night because we went to the museum last minute and just had a decompresion night – and so when I see that photo – it reminds me of the relaxing night


  6. Hi Yvette, You are a busy blogger! Wow! I remember Juicy Fruit, which was probably much like Fruit Stripes. I thought your comments about why people chew on things were interesting. I copied it for quotes on another post someday. I’m keeping all your food quotes in an unpublished post. They are so interesting. I was an ice chewer when I was a kid and probably anemic. I did quit eventually, probably around menopause time. I liked the bubble gum pictures, the verticals. Lots to love in this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Marsha and one busy blogger to another (at times we can be busy right) and quite a joy!’
      And I am honored to hear you keep some of my food quotes and I know you mentioned it before
      I actually have done a lot of informal research on certain health and healing and so that is how I learned this and that – there were some years I was so hungry (pun intended) for health information I would scour the internet and watch YouTube videos – and I caught so many gems!
      Like James Sloane – an herbalist / retired from practicing medicine but made a handful of videos to “do outreach” and give back (sound familiar??)
      And so I had the pleasure of finding so much and I worry that with all this censorship it might be harder and harder to find alternative remedies and ideas!

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      1. I don’t think they will go out of style. There have always been alternatives. I have some good friends in the medical field who are into alternative medicine. My former daughter-in-law was the one who got me started down that road. She is now an accupuncture doctor.


  7. Love your sense of humor, Yvette. I haven’t shewed gum since I was 10 years old.
    You made it seem like a lot of fun. Unfortunatelyy, at this stage of my life, my teeth
    would come loose and I’d have massive dental bills. LOL
    Creative post … Have a wonderful weekdend.
    Isadora 😎

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    1. Hi / gum can really wreak havoc on teeth and I seem to recall there was a gum marketed as not pulling on dental work – but the best thing is to just not chew it.
      And when I first started to chew a few pieces of the PUR gum, I spit out the first taste as it seemed like coating and flavors – okay – maybe TMI – but it was fun to try a new gum

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    1. thanks – and my friend Jackie said it looked like a condom – well I sent her two photos of the gum art and did not know what she meant because I was thinking of the heart I made (I will send an image of it) but then later I realized she meant the frame photo – lol

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