Moody Doors (Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #204)


Hello Readers

The Lens Artist Challenge this week has a doors theme.

I chose to share what I call “moody doors”


1) A Quaint Mood 




2) Discouraged and Done Mood


3) A Florida Mood ☀️☀️(and it looks like the shed is a container for the palms)


4) Fancy Schmancy Artsy Mood


5) Shopping Mood


6) Confused Mood (ha)


7) In the mood for love….




Thanks to the Lens-Artist team for hosting. To join in this week – go HERE








47 thoughts on “Moody Doors (Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #204)

  1. You’ve got quite a varied collection there, Yvette. I like the fancy schmancy door. Working on mine for tomorrow and it’s terribly difficult after 7 years or more of doing Thursday Doors every week!!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Janet – yes – those who join in with the doors challenge should have lots of doors – I know I did
      And wow – you have been with Thursday doors for seven years now? Pretty awesome
      I did take photos and make posts of doors before Norm (and then Dan) did the Thursday challenge – but that Thursday doors group is fun to connect with
      See you tomorrow

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Dan- as I mentioned to Janet- those of us who join with Thursday doors often have a good selection of photos waiting –

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi / interesting you should mention that one because I think I was trying to find a better caption – maybe tired and cranky mood (from hangover with all those cans?)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yvette, I really like how you characterized a mood for each door! Perhaps some doors have a personality. The fancy schmancy mood is my favorite, a fun post!


  3. I love your title and theme, Yvette. Your doors have definite personalities including some sadly depressed souls. You’ve inspired me for this week. 🙂


    1. Hi
      I had to look that up and how interesting Norah!!

      “The triffid is a fictional tall, mobile, carnivorous plant species, created by John Wyndham in his 1951 novel The Day of the Triffids, which has since been adapted for film and television. The word “triffid” has become a common reference in British English to describe large, invasive or menacing-looking plants”

      I can see that with those trees and need to check out that book sometime!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t read the book but I watched a dreadful but compelling tv series years ago. Probably when I lived somewhere where there were no other viewing choices. It’s funny how some snippets leave their mark.


        1. Haha – it is funny how some snippets leave their marks!
          And I like it once in a while when viewing options are limited because maybe it stretches us? To take a chance on a show – like that is how I watched “poldark” on a short vacation in Ontario – pbs was the only channel that came in and that was on a lot that week.
          But you are right about the chance that some things will be dreadful – or painful – and leads us to turn it off!


  4. Doors are a never-ending parade of variety. I like all the photos but the last one with the heart calls to me. ❤️


    1. Hi ally!
      The lady that owns that door with the heart (taken last February) she kind of reminds me of you – beautiful home and fun personality !

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    1. Thanks leya – those double doors are part of the side of a five star hotel here in our area and seeing that truck with all those cans had such contrast!


  5. Great collection, Y! If there was a Discouraged and Done Mood for lawns, ours would be on it LOL so many weeds 🤣


    1. Hi Christy!
      Had to smile that your lawn was “discoursed and done” because I can imagine it
      But sometimes a weedy lawn is healthier than a pristine one – even though we do have to watch’s bad weeds –
      Appreciate your visit and coming

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Those palm trees had a big of lumbago. 🙂 They did look like they were growing out of the shed. That blinking door with the heart made me do a double-take Yvette!


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